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One per person and keep them short please!


Mike Hunthurtz

I'm sorry, but get the fuck out of here Britt Baker. Are you going to turn on Jamie or not? What's taking you so fucking long? I don't get it. What are you doing? Where is this going? PS. I'm pretty sure that cameraman was Kenny Omega because he definitely was getting shots underneath reho's skirt. You fuckin pervert.


They don’t air aew live in the uk so personally I would start off airing it live but just an idea


Josh I get tired of the childish way you speak (example) “I like the p in the v” and “tits” but I do appreciate the different perspective you bring to the podcast just take it easy on Andrew’s sanity, doesn’t he go through enough? He watches all the wrestling shit and has to deal with you on top of everything


Push fire bury delete-Josh Variant edition…WWWW Champion Josh Mickey Mouse voice Josh, virgin Josh, or Josh with a girlfriend who’s had sex but not to completion??👑KING TBD



PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

1 question and 3 short comments: What was Josh’s take on Wrestlemania? 1. It’s obvious Charlotte learned from Hogan on how to praise Rhea for her win while still keeping the focus on herself 2. Surprised we couldn’t hear Vince laughing over the stadium speakers after Roman pinned Cody. 3. The only way the Mysterio family should reunite is if the whole family gets in the ring and face waterfalls eachother


Im curious to know which mexican club Josh took his girlfriend to, he doesnt have to be specific. Is it a certain one in the ghetto southeast Houston area or in Humble


Necessary reminder that hangman called out the “BBC” last week and we still never got the Josh promo on them….afraid?

Kevin Kee

More obvious AEW signing, Jay White or Skye Blue?


Charlotte is so selfish and rude , she is not a good person 🤢


How long until Jay White is fighting Isaiah Kassidy on dark?