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Honest thoughts on the Mets first week?


Do you think Vince convinces Endeavor to have Roman beat Bruno Sammartino’s reign?


I just wanted to say a big thank you to you 3 for the entertainment over the years. I found you guys in 2019 just before wrestlemania and I can honestly say I've loved listening to you guys every week. The patreon episodes have been amazing and so too is the Hollywood hogwash pod. I feel very connected to you guys. Andrew and I are the same age and I feel we're similar, Joe has a sales background and I appreciate his posts and Eric is bald...and so am I so that's cool. All in all thanks for everything you do and my journeys on the road as a sales man have been made easier thanks to you 3. Much love x

Josh Blevins

Hey Josh real or fake, Adam Cole? (Real name Austin Jenkins)