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Why did they change the name of the belt? And josh why do you hate moxley’s music?


Honestly when was the last time josh won a PPV scorecard? Becoming a running joke in our fantasy wrestling league, where the loser gets “Joshed” and has to squat for the length of the main event at the next PPV

Mike Hunthurtz

Oh okay. So my boy Rick Starks wins the feud Jericho, finally moved past it and then gets buried by WHO ARE YOU? Okay cool. Thanks Tony. You fucking bitch.


Who does MJF face next, how bout Danhausen? Thank of the promos… Danhausen appears at the entrance stage, he says, I challenge you for the AWE championship and I will defeat you with the power of… Soup, I don’t know? MJF responds… security! Some fan jumped the guard rails and grabbed a microphone