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Can Josh be involved in the next patreon bracket in some way? I just want him in there for our pleasure as I'm sure he'd cause mayhem. Also Josh I have a sister in law who is single. She's indian with a British accent. Want me to see if she'd like to have her life ruined by you?


How confident are you that the MJF baby face turn tease was truly planned all along ? It kinda feels like they just make this up as they go 🤷🏻‍♂️ MJF is just so good so we give him credit for having it all planned so well


Josh - Spell “Pickled”


P/f/b gut punch factions: JAS , Judgement day , Nyla rose/Vicki/shafir


Did MJF’s absence and a shitty AEW get you sick Andrew? Get better wishes!

Mike Dawes

I’m a huge Zach Wilson Marc and let me just say this . I thought the benching was ridiculous , 5-2 this year both losses to the GOAT coach who dominates young QBs . Why is no one mentioning that angle . I think his comments is what did him in . Having said all of this . Go mike white !


Last week I asked what diva would you hook up with in their prime. Is it possible Josh choose the only person you could select if the question was for a male or female? Is he trolling? Or is Josh unapologetically into women who look like dudes? P.S. mine would be Trish Stratus


Three wrestlers you would push to the championship??


2021 Thanksgiving eve was Punk and MJF face to face. 2022 Jericho and Ishii main event and no MJF. What the fucking fuck? Corbin button please


What would you be more excited for, mjf vs adam cole at all out, or Roman vs Sami at mania?


On a scale of 1-10 how annoying is Kevin Patrick ? he is literally excited by anything .