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We are reviewing Reservoir Dogs!



Has josh been having nightmares after watching that ear cutting scene #PutSomeoneOnTheLine #Beeeeeep


How about a show where you give your opinions on movies with open to interpretation endings? Inception, total recall, eyes wide shut, prestige, etc.


Your thoughts on rating terantino’s best 5? Mine: 1- inglorious Bastards 2- Pulp Fiction 3- Reservoir Dogs 4- Kill Bill (both 1 and 2) 5- Django Unchained

Mike Dawes

Thoughts on QT acting in his own movies ?

Tyrone Grizz

At the end, Can you hear the cops in the background taking out Mr. Pink while White is holding Orange?

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

Push Fire Bury: Christopher Walken Gold Watch speech in Pulp Fiction Christoph Waltz Jew Hunter speech in Inglorious Bastards David Carradine Superman/Clark Kent speech in Kill Bill

Jason Dearham

Have u guys thought about doing spoilers for new movies as a separate (shorter) video rather than putting them in the main podcast... Just a thought as I'd say there would be lot of people who haven't seen the movie on opening weekend who switch off when u start talking about the particular movie or don't watch ur show at all that week cos they know there are spoilers.

Mike Hunthurtz

Please review Water World since you and Josh have never watched it... Put it up on a vote!


Recast that movie with wrestlers/wrestling personalities…

Jonathan Ramos

Who do you feel for the most: Larry being told that Freddy was the rat this whole time or Larry the dog having been in the middle of that All Out scuffle?


If you guys had a movie being made about you guys, who would you want to direct and who would you want to play you guys, Joe and Eric?

Joel Hanson

If Josh leaves, we riot. #tbdarmy