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Mike Hunthurtz

I think when Logan Paul is ready to come back from injury, I would really like to see him start off in NXT and work his way up if he truly is dedicated to WWE. That was he's close to HBK and can develop a character. I wouldn't mind seeing him get the North American or NXT title before he comes back to the main roster. Or even a really long NXT title run.


I was so frigging impressed by Logan Paul! He performs in the ring Way better than Dominik Mysterio! Roman deserves an Oscar for the selling he did in that match putting Logan over! I was skeptical going into this match but Wow! It was WAY better than most of the Lesnar/Reigns matches with the exception of their last match with the ring lifting!


Nobody who has any kind of popularity in the wrestling business or a celebrity is ever going to NXT. Looking back, it’s crazy that they sent guys like Samoa Joe, Drew McIntyre, and Adam Cole to NXT when they were ready to hang with the main roster guys. Sending Logan Paul to NXT, with what we’ve seen from him would be wasting his “bump card” as they call it. Wasting 1-3 years of his career. Now, Dominik Mysterio could use this treatment. He’s not really a popular guy besides the fact he’s Rey’s son. But nobody will miss him on the main roster. He can use another 1-2 years of NXT


Man, why gotta compare the buckshot lariat? Can’t they both be good at it?


Completely agree on Bray Wyatt. The slow burn worked with the firefly funhouse, but not this.