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We are recording tonight so send them in now!


PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

Don’t have a wrestling related question this week and this could be shit or could be gold: Using the high pitch voice on the sound board for Josh, and Saudi accent by Andrew, could we hear Andrew convince Josh why he should move to Saudi?


I love MJF as much as any sane fan. But is it possible that we are putting him in the conversation with the greatest, because his competition right now all sucks a big tub of dicks. It’s easy to look great next to Danhausen and Jay Lethal.


Why Tony, why? Why did you run off punk in favor of the elite. Your shows are shit and make no sense. Go fuck yourself.


Hey Andrew if you love MJF so much why dont you marry him😂and if you do please invite me to the wedding


Why is double j there???? #fuckjosh

Brock Landers

How is it even possible that in a 2 hour show, Rick Ross had the best promo?


Jeff Jarrett just why ?


Is MJF really that great? Or is he just AEW great? He really does just remind me of a R rated Miz...

Sean Dougherty

Would you guys ever consider doing a live post show review?


What’s the best possible feud from both companies (mjf v Owens, omega styles etc..) what would your dream feud be (only active in their current form) and how are you feeling about Zach Wilson vs Allen, do you have high hopes?