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One per person and keep them short please!



What were the odds of Lashley winning the pose off if Scott Steiner was involved?


Alexa & Liv … um yeah ..push more of that . Maybe even woman’s tag titles(who are you)


With all the money Saudi is giving out for Wrestling and Golf, how much would it take for you to move there and become the official podcast of Saudi Arabia ?

Mike Hunthurtz

Uh oh JR creepin into Maryse's Dm's again... What do you think he said?


You think the Roman vs Riddle stipulation pretty much means Riddle Will win MITB briefcase


With Cody out. Is Riddle now the #1 baby face or is it Bobby Lashley?


Am I wrong in thinking that the only reason WWE split Judgement day up was because of Cody's injury and they needed edge in a singles role? (esp with roman out too)

Michael Cole

Push Bury Fire: Eric, Andrew, Joe


The injury that happened to Cody is very unfortunate, but it’s probably the best thing that could have happened at this moment. Do y’all agree?

Jason Dearham

Do u think the reason The Balor Club never got any more members was because there was nobody else called Balor?? P.S. was there a tear running down Ezekiel's face after he said the "Walk With Elias" line??