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One per person and keep them short please!



With Cody getting multiple entrances per week, do you think they’ll start making him stale to the crowd ? Similar to what happened with Cena when people started getting tired of him


Would you guys fancy a hottest non wrestler of all time braquet male and female: managers, referees, announcers etc


How lucky is drew gulak ? Sure there is plenty of wwe fans out there who would pay good money for them to be put in a figure 8 by Charlotte flair .😉


Push, Fire, Bury - Recent WWE wedding edition. Lana marries Lashley, Miz and Maryse vow renewal, 24/7 wedding extravaganza.


Why does WWE unify all belts ? Are they losing a show soon ?


Should WWWW PPV titles be rewarded and punished with promotion and demotion from the main show? Josh to win a PPV title and make it to the main show?


Is the 24/7 title the most irrelevant title in WWE history? My wife had never even seen the 24/7 title until this week because it never makes the Hulu cut. I only know what happened with it because I listen to you guys.

Jason Dearham

Out of all the Wedding segments we've ever seen in WWE... This one definitely was the most recent.... Also if the 24/7 Title is only on Raw... Shouldn't it be called the 3/1 Title???


Hey You know they say that all men are created equal, but you look at me and you look at Eric Slamilton and you can see that statement is not true. See, normally if you go one on one with another wrestler, you got a 50/50 chance of winning. But I have a TBD(tiny baby dick) and I'm not normal! So this Sunday at Sacrifice there is a 141 2/3 percent chance I still can't spell.#PUSHJOSH

Brock Landers

WWE hires you to manage a new stable (3 guys 1 gal) who are your members and what’s the stable name?


Do Rhea and Liv give off HLA vibes?

Mike Hunthurtz

Thank Christ Better Call Saul is back so I don't have to watch this dog shit anymore.... For now