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I am confused; is it Kings of the Black Throne or Knights of the Black Throne?

Jake Baker

Did you guys think the ending to MJF/Punk felt anticlimactic? Punk’s first loss should’ve been a bigger deal. The right guy won though


in you guys opinion, who is CM punk’s greatest match against ?


Not a question but josh your take on those photos of maryse disgusts me.


Maybe it’s just me, but I already was upset that the match between punk and MJF was happening too early. It wasn’t until the end when I thought they did a great job booking this match. MJF with a win over punk is pretty cool. Seeing him talk to punk after he pinned him shows this means a lot to him. Can’t wait to see where the story goes from here.


Has WWE finally taken a final shit by throwing Shane under the bus for the rumble? Could Shane go to AEW?


Andrew said that he could take Paige VanZant in a shoot fight if he absolutely had to… so similar question, who wins a shoot fight between a team of Andrew and Joe against any trained male UFC fighter ?


We will see Shane McMahon walk out at the next dynamite to say the new owner of AEW does say McMahon…….Shane McMahon 🤣


A couple weeks ago you guys were guessing who was gonna be on the cover of the AEW game but you left out the most obvious choice. The almighty best in the world "I will not turn" Cody Rhodes


Have you guys considered a money in the bank style event for the show? Hear me out, you each get 1 shot a year. If you can predict who go's thru the timekeeper table ringside at the next dynamite you win the prediction championship, but if your wrong you start the next ppv prediction show 20 points down. Thoughts? You could even do it on the main show too with the announcers table.


Fuck, Marry, Kill Brandi Rhodes…. Choose one, and choose wisely.

Mike Hunthurtz

We went from 16 eye patch gimmicks in AEW to a complete blindfold gimmick. Spoiler alert, Penta is going to have a blindfold next week with the eyes as ZERO's


With Brian Kendrick possibly setting the record as the fastest wrestler released from both WWE and AEW, what do you think Mustafa Ali could do or say to follow in his footsteps? Also, Kendrick... not really a Man with a Plan, if you ask me.

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

Who could you last longest against? In a match against Bryan Danielson In a promo against CM Punk In bed with Anna Jay


Destination oh no, Ruby Ruby Ruby Jobber I BURST OUT laughing when the ref gave a rope break when Vicky Guerrero grabbed and dragged a leg but didn’t even make contact with the rope. Finally: Dan Lambert best comment? (Face down brandi)

Jason Dearham

If u ever wondered why Cody is so delusional.... He's been married to Brandi almost 10yrs...


Now that 3 of the biggest names in AEW have a lost in their record (Cole, Punk, Danielson), whose undefeated streak did you think was the most impressive and whose was the weakest?