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PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

Lita now faces Becky at Saudi. What if Lita’s bestie Trish shows up to help Lita in the match? what are the odds Trish is able to make it to the ring let, alone have a woman cause any type of cheating in a match?


who’s gonna have a longer run: Lita or Rhonda Rousey?


I know WWE usually has a women’s chamber match but found it weird that they hadn’t announced one yet. Whatever you do, don’t Google search “Women’s Elimination in Saudi Arabia”


Will they let Randy Orton ride a camel in Saudi this time ?


I’ve had it with wwe’s burial of Kevin Owens. What a disgusting joke. Also how does Rousey come back after 3 years and give a promo that bad?


I don't know why but the " you want forgivness get religion" line in spiderman sounds like something Vince would 100% say to someone

Mike Hunthurtz

Roman holding his hand out to Paul. Shout out Terminator 2 "Come with me if you want to live"


Not a question about RAW. But can we get another rendition of Gunther's theme song? (Possibly the funniest moment on the podcast)


Did you observe the women's hair in the rumble? It looked like they probably spent $10,000 on each full timer and $10 on each cameo.

Mike Hunthurtz

I'm a big fan of the Kevin Owens rendition of The Joker in the Dark Knight. Magnificence


No question but as a New Englander……fuck Tom Brady


Did you guys see the Twitter drama with Kelly Kelly? Some guy asked what happened to her face. Kelly Kelly came back with "it's called age" I'm sure Charlotte says the same thing.


Why the hate for Danhousen? And Andrew what's your TikTok handle? I can't find you on there.


Does anyone get the feeling they are going to unify belts in the near future .... Brock vs Roman, Becky vs Rousey vs Charlotte. I think both networks would want all or any of them to be headlining their shows... Minus Charlotte who is just not that entertaining anymore, unless she's getting into a slap fight during her matches. Cue Nia's hole sound drop


Not really a question.. but elimination chamber qualifying matches? Who are you? And where the hell have you been?


Current Brock is fun and one of the best parts of the show, but does he have to be in the Elimination Chamber? What’s he going to do in the match, the same thing Shayna did?


What would happen if Lita showed her thong in Saudi Arabia?


Crazy prediction i have for Brock lesnar: Undertaker/marc callaway will be his new manager

Jason Dearham

In a Shoot Royal Rumble, Otis would have to win right? How the hell would anyone be able to put him over the ropes... P.S. Valentines Day is on a Monday, sounds like a perfect night for Veer to come...


Regarding the Rumble. So you have a match where you can put over any young talent, make them world champion and it doesn’t even have to make sense. It’s basically a free ticket to successfully push young talent. Nope! Lets give it to Brock. Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid.


The elimination chamber has been diluted heavily throughout the years. There seems to be no sense of horror and intensity to it anymore. What is one thing you would do to bring back legitimacy to this match?


Exactly what kind of mode is Brie Bella? And how did her and her sister ever wrestle in the WWE?!


Who in the main roster would you have interest seeing a romance storyline with? For comedic purposes of course.


Y’all should do another watch along ppv!!! Your rumble reactions are hilarious


If even though everyone knew Triple H was going to win the 2002 Royal Rumble the WWE still made the match interesting. Why couldn’t they have made the equally predictable 2022 Rumble even half as entertaining?