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Just curious...who here watches or listens to Hollywood Hogwash every week?  If you do, what do you think?  If you don't, how come?  

I'm thinking about doing some Hollywood Hogwash Patreon episodes on here.  I don't want to make a 2nd Patreon account. 




I enjoy that it’s not wrestling, nice to hear something new and you guys make think of things in different ways


Listen every week, even If I have no intention of watching the show you're reviewing. Your energy and chemistry makes everything entertaining. Absolutely love it.


It's entertaining, it's like the wrestling podcast, it keeps me from going to watch a shitty movie. Another way you guys take one for the team. Anything I can have to listen to at work is a win. Movie Brackets would be amazing


I also listen every week btw, regardless of the recap


I listen when you guys talk about media that I like/watch, and I don’t listen when it’s about something I don’t watch/care about.


Just fun to hear ya guys talk about pop culture and some shows and movies I’m watching


I listen to every episode, y’all are hilarious and I come away from it with a decent idea of what to avoid watching (other than Dune, I will never agree with you guys on that.)


I listen to both podcasts more for the content you guys bring as opposed to the content you’re recapping. You guys are amazing and deliver every time

Mike Hunthurtz

Keep it on the same Patreon, it's a nice bonus because I get to enjoy both wrestling and movies. Also you should let us vote for what movie you guys review every month or something like that

Joel Hanson

Love both podcasts guys! Your take on pro wrestling is hilarious and spot on. W.W.W.W. is my favorite podcast hands down. I also really enjoy Hollywood Hogwash because it gives you guys a platform to continue the hilarity and busted nuts while reviewing all the latest movies, TV shows etc. I've listened for years and I'll continue to do so as long as you guys keep cranking out amazing content.

Mike Hunthurtz

I really enjoyed Dune. I watched the old one then listened then watched the new one and I was like, this movie ain't bad


i enjoy both podcasts only downside is that sometimes theirs movies i havent watched or have no interest in so i might skip a chunk of the podcast. Glad to see the guys discuss what they enjoy and bring tons of laughter


I look forward to having one every week. I'm always down for more. Brackets for sure!


I listen every week unless it's something I really don't want spoiled which so far has only been the Spider-Man episode.


I love the wrestling content and Hollywood hogwash is a solid new addition too. Even if I’m not interested in the movie/tv topic of the review segment of hogwash I will always listen to the news and questions but so far you have covered heaps of stuff I like. Some other pop culture segments, retro reviews or brackets would be fun things to trial. Also maybe letter grades, out of 10 or star grading could make the reviews even better. I love the recaps and your banter throughout is why I listen in the first place, keep up the good work guys


Hogwash is a great idea but Christ, if I don’t watch the movie/show right away I’m fucked. You guys are ninjas with how fast you watch something then pod about it.


I’d love you to pick a random South Park episode out of a hat! One hat with the Season and one hat with an episode and put them together and you guys watch it and review it. Or even do it with Family guy or Simpsons. Fast episodes to watch but I’d find it entertaining


I listen to the first part every week because it's funny. I listen to the recap if I've also seen the show or movie.


I don't go see a lot of movies, so I don't care about the reviews.


I listen to every episode that recaps things that i’ve already seen. I think it’s harder to follow every week compared to wrestling. With wrestling you don’t have to watch the show to enjoy the podcast(already know the characters, basis of typical wwe, etc etc) With movies though if I haven’t seen it then it’s just like hearing a bunch of names that I don’t know doing a bunch of random stuff that I don’t fully understand and I end up not understanding any of the jokes. No fault to you guys though.

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

I watch & listen to all the podcasts you guys put out. Hearing you talk about pop culture topics and movie reviews is great. Been looking forward to y’all doing movie/tv show brackets, watch along (MST3000 style) commentaries on classic movies, and other types. Hope y’all keep going as these shows greatly help entertain me a every week.

Cousin John

I listened to the first few. Only reason I haven’t lately is a mix of not watching the shows/movies that you’re reviewing, and just not having the time. It is very enjoyable though, and I will definitely go back to listen to them later


love both - only thing is HH might come a bit reptitive if it's just Marvel / superhero movies, and I'd love your take on a wider variety of filns - but so far it hasn't bothered me and can't blame you for not watching even more crap you don't like on top of Raw / Smackdown aha.


I listened to the Spider-Man one only. I don't watch any of the things you've been reviewing, and I have a hard enough time keeping up with the wrestling pods, so I just don't have time. I'm sure I will listen to some here and there, but not religiously like the wrestling pods


We're doing The King's Man for the next episode! It really just depends on what big movie comes out. Most of them are super hero movies lol


I listen most weeks. They are always great. I find if I save an episode in order to watch the movie first I don't always go back to listen. I'd like to hear some classic movie reviews as well. Maybe a rewatch of Spiderman 2? It would be interesting to hear if there are forgotten or poorly aged parts

Matt Judd

No… To be honest I don’t watch a ton of movies or follow entertainment. BUT I do try to tune to support you guys and start my journey into the entertainment area. Just haven’t been able to do so every week yet.


It's been great. I don't always agree with you, but I enjoy each episode.


I love it. Love the format. Love hearing you guys talk about something other than wrestling, but I don't listen if it's something I'm interested in and haven't seen yet, and unfortunately that's been the majority. The audience really has to be up to date on movies and TV shows to he able to listen every week.


I don’t. But I’ve been meaning to. ADHD is not my friend hah.


I’ve definitely enjoyed it. I’m glad you guys have two separate parts to the show so I can save the reviews for after I’ve watched. Hoping for some simpsons talk at some point!


It’s entertaining. I’ve listened to every episode but I usually drop off when it’s time for the review because I haven’t watched what you are reviewing yet. I would say I’ve only gone back to 1-2 episodes to hear your review. I would say though the episodes feel choppy at times. Doesn’t feel like there is an even flow from story to story. And the reviews are all over the place. No consistency when you review something. Feels very jumbled. I know it’ll take time to find your rhythm just like the wrestling podcast. Otherwise, I appreciate the podcast and what you put into it.


I dig the podcast and listen every week. And glad to hear you guys talk about something you enjoy. Hopefully Andrew is still enjoying doing all of these podcasts every week. I know it’s already a second job but hope you still enjoy doing it.


I love the format and the banter. I don’t watch Star Wars or anything like that but I’m still listening!


If you review something I’ve watched then yes.


I listen to the podcast every week because the guys have the same taste in TV and movies that I do. The latest news segment is very informative and the reviews are funny and entertaining. Great job, fellas!


I watch because I love you guys but I can't tune into every episode because the content you review is a lot more recent and I may not have caught up yet. Maybe the Patreon episodes can focus on classic films and TV .


Enjoy it very much. You seem to have a good read on what’s relevant to the 30-45 yr young parent group who needs to escape! Thanks for taking the time to watch the good and the crap and then reporting on it! Keep it up!


Sounds like most of your listeners (myself included) haven't been to theaters in the past 2 years. So if reviewing movies only released in theaters you might have people dodging those episodes


I enjoy it because it's good to hear you guys talk about things outside of wrestling, it's like an escape for you guys as well, even if you don't enjoy the films


Bottom left


I listen to every one. Should have just made a marvel/super hero podcast, 85% of what you guys talk about. Still entertaining though


I think the show is awesome and listen to every episode


Havent tried it yet


Yes they are very good , you should do a sports one to


I'd watch them if the movie intrigued me. I'm not much into superhero movies. Mostly just comedies which is why I like the WWWW podcast. If you did a movie I was interested in, I'd watch. Otherwise I'd be lost.


The only ones I’ve avoided are for movies I’ve not yet seen (and want to watch at some point)


I don’t listen every week because I watch certain things with my g/f before listening to the podcast and we have a little different schedules and I don’t want spoilers. But eventually I get to listen. I enjoy the the new podcast, it would be nice to have movie sound board clips.


Hear every week both podcasts. Keep up the good work 👏


I listen to the first part every week. If I haven’t watch what you are reviewing I come back and finish the podcast after I watch it.


Similar to everyone else I listen to the beginning part of the show. Once I’ve watched what the main topics are I’ll finish it up. Movie sound clips would be good.


No, because i don’t watch everything immediately. Also not interested in the marvel or Star Wars shows. Fine with the movies though.


I listen each week, I look forward to it every Monday morning at work. I try to watch what you’re reviewing beforehand but if I don’t, I still listen. I love hearing you guys riff on it. Would love to hear your guys takes on older movies. Not sure if you guys watch network shows but I’d leave to hear thoughts on those also. Keep it up guys! Love all three pods!


I listen to them all, pause and return if it's a movie I want to or can watch, otherwise I listen to whole episode. Bonus episode idea could be some older movies/classics we've all mostly seen. Or work your way through a movie series... Marvel, DC, Star Wars, 50 shades of grey... You know what ever you guys are into more... Haha


Depends what show/movie you are reviewing. I don't really care about celebrity news or news about upcoming shows/movies.


I'm really enjoying it. I hold off if it's about something I haven't watched yet but for the most part I've been able to listen to all of them.


My bad I was late but yeaaaaa Hollywood hogwash is the shit bro!!!


I love this podcast


I don’t listen every week. But listen occasionally. It’s not quite appointment listening like the WWWW pod.


Amazing Podcast, it’s like sitting at a bar after going to a movie and talking about it with friends


I have listens to 1 or 2 episodes. Honestly I haven’t listens to them all because I don’t keep up with All movies . Like if it doesn’t come on Netflix or HBO I might not ever see it . And the stuff I have seen I’m a week or 2 behind


I don’t listen to episodes of things I haven’t watched at first. I will come back to them later. I think it would be nice if you reviewed shows or movies that aren’t necessarily new.


I listen to the ones I have seen or do not care to watch.


Hogwash is great!


I listen to every ep but will pause if you're discussing something I haven't seen yet. I mainly listen because I enjoy you guys as hosts rather than the content, if you know what I mean. I'd listen to a show of you guys just chatting shit but I guess that won't draw in new listeners...


I enjoy your personalities and we share the same opinions on wrestling, and I've been looking for an outlet to keep up to date on current events without watching the garbage content. I don't have that same issue with movies or other entertainment.


I listen if I’ve seen the show/movie or if I don’t plan to see it. I’m not sure I’d go back to listen if I saw something after a while, although I did for Hawkeye once I’d seen it.


I love it, just wish u would separate the podcasts and not put 2 shows in one


I’d love to hear you all review old classics etc. Maybe throw them here like you all do classic PPVS


Not into movies or tv shows


I love the show but the films often aren’t released in the UK before you review them. I go back and listen after I’ve seen it though


forgot it was a thing this is on me


I like the show but I don’t always have access to the movies or go to the theatre to watch the new movies you review so I most of the time just skip that part