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One per person and keep them short please!


Jake Baker

Push, Fire, Bury Wrestlers that need to turn heel: Cody, McIntyre, Ciampa


Will we have a winner between danielson and page this time? Or another draw?


Did Darby, Sting, and Punk sit in a wittle circle and do each other’s face paint?


Trivia, when was the 1st time Shawn Michaels debuted his baggy pants ring gear versus his tights?


Do you think instead of Adam Cole and they young bucks being the supposed trio champs that instead it will be Cole, fish and oreilly now?


Why does a podunk town like Greensboro have one of the largest sports arenas (not stadiums) in the country?


First off, Happy Festivus to you all. Second, How would you book the remainder of the MJF/CM Punk feud ? Need at least one or two more promo battles from them right ?

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

Think Wonder Woman 84. If you could Pick any woman to Quantum Leap into Vickie Guerrero and you get to hook up with her, so you would see one woman but in reality your still just banging Vickie Guerrero, who would you choose?


The Elite vs Undisputed Era is the closest we’ll ever get to NWO vs DX. The anticipation will be epic, who wins this trio match?


There is a lot of wrestler contract talk these days now that WWE wrestlers are leaving for AEW. Do wrestlers have agents like in other sports?


What do you think The UE’s new name should be? I kinda dig “The Undisputed” as opposed to “The Era” (which I see a lot of people suggesting). But they also might stray away from the NXT branding all together


Odds of Adam Cole interference in the Hangman and Danielson 2 match? Make it a three way


When Omega returns, you the we’ll get The Elite vs. Undisputed Era (or whatever their name will be)?

Angelo Gaetano III

Does Tazz have any more kids making their debut that we need to be aware of? Who's next? ...Hammer? Torque? ........Lil' Torque? ...............an ex wife?

Jason Dearham

How hard was it for Cole, Fish & O'Reilly not to put up the UE hand signs??

Mark Horsefield

Have you guys done a best boob bracket. I loved the best ass bracket


Judges?!? Wtf?!? Is this another way for AEW to avoid giving danielson a loss?