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We are reviewing Spider-Man: No Way Home and Hawkeye Episode 5!



How many buckets of cum? I filled up 3 large popcorn bags and was still dripping walking out of the theater


Mission ACCOMPLISHED BOYS!! Went in with no trailers and no clue as to what was going on and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS MOVIE. Just had to say that.


Did you feel like you were having an out of body experience when you know who showed up? Or was that just me


Tobey: The Avengers!? That’s great! *bottom right*


Do you think Nick Fury is going to hunt down Spider-Man/Peter since a number of details are now missing from SHIELD and his own memory?


Was Spider-Man in the Rogers musical? This would help us know what the timeline looks like. They didn’t mention Spider-man in any of the Disney + series did they?


Does The Watcher remember Peter Parker? Since he sees all universes?


Well now my question is, where does this Parker movie rank on your Parker list 😂🤔

Tyrone Grizz

Why couldnt Peter just hold a press conference or go on the Daily Bugle to tell his side of the story & Let the world know Quinten Beck was a piece of shit


Just wanted to say that i came when Andrew garfield revealed himself not because he returned but because he is very attractive


Did you guys know that in the comics Jacques Duquesne is a character called The Swordsman. He was Hawkeye’s mentor and has been both a hero and a villain. He even had a stint as an Avenger. I wasn’t sure if I’ve heard you reference that and it seems more poignant after Ep 5. Where do you see this character ending up?


Is the Jake Roberts button broken yet?

Jason Dearham

Gotta hand it to Kevin Feige, making us think we missed Spiderman's origin story, only to find out these 3 movies were his origin story all along... P.S. so did the spell wipe Peter from Media archives and Social Media?


Guys I’m glad I wore my white pants. What a movie, that hit every expectation plus some. My question is about the end credit scene, do you think they completely replace Tom Hardy or use Tom Hardy as a different variant of Eddie Brock?

Jason Dearham

Hawkeye is set after NWH cos last week Yelena mentioned the New and improved Statue of Liberty...

Jason Dearham

A tiny bit of The Symbiote stayed behind so no need for Hardy in MCU... Flash Thompson is a candidate to get the Symbiote as he's Agent Venom in comics


How underwhelmed where you on post credit scene?


Y’all think this was Better than Endgame? I don’t care what anyone says, this is tied with endgame for me!


If everybody has no recollection of Peter Parker, how come Happy still knows May through Spiderman? Surely if he didn’t know Peter Parker was Spiderman he never would’ve met Aunt May?

Eric Ngu

I think peter should have called Nick Fury and have a Skrull impersonate Peter next to him to fool people.


Oscar winning scream scene: Winner? Home Alone Marv’s scream when Kevin puts the tarantula on his face Vs Home Alone 2 Marv getting electrocuted when he grabs the taps.


How bummed will you be if they blue ball us on adding Tom Hardy in the MCU?