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Jake Baker

What are the odds Liv upsets Becky? I think we’d all love to see it


Remember in school, when you needed to copy someone’s homework, but they told you to not make it obvious… Good times. Completely unrelated, good to see WWE try their own MJF/CM Punk promo battle.

Tyrone Grizz

Maryse. That’s it. That’s the comment.


Push, Fire Bury these match types: Thanksgiving Leftover match Pizza Hunt Battle Royale Hallowe’en Pumpkin Match


Which was better wwe trying to make a reference to aew or aew referencing wwe.


Edge definitely made the Miz’s career sound 10 million times better than it actually was.


Any thoughts on changing the shows format now that raw sucks so bad? I wanna hear Slamiltons and Joe’s takes on AEW as that is clearly the top show now.


Push/Fire/Bury bad AEW ideas. An MJF face turn, Orange Cassidy dropping his gimmick, or a Babyface Cody holding the world title for a year?


Wrost promo bracket 2 coming soon?


Who do you think will win the royal rumbles? Who would you want or like to win the royal rumbles?


I hate to say it, but to call it as it is, Seth is actually impressive again. Always has been great in the ring but his character is growing on me… his new theme song, his character and mic skills. fuck, I feel like that guy in the bar trying to justify why I’m hitting on the fat chick.


Kinda the opposite to the regular question here: who do you think will NEVER swap companies between WWE and AEW?


*cues jingle* where. in. the. world. is drew light?! i miss his monotone voice 😂

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

What are the odds Vince saw the name AUSTIN on the script for RAW and thought he was doing this backstage segment with Steve Austin not Austin Theory?


Do you guys think Edge should turn heel or should he stay as a face.I personally would like to see him be a heel again.


Can someone sing the old Armageddon theme song THE END IS HHEEEREE!!!For my amusement


Not a question but needed to state Maryse is ageing like the finest of wines, so many "bust a nut"


Busted open podcast mentioned that it seemed like Austin theory is going to get a large push. Thoughts?

Jason Dearham

Which heel would take the least effort to turn into a huge babyface... I think either Rollins, he just has to wear a T-shirt and jeans and act serious. And Otis, just needs to do a couple of pelvic thrusts


Will Veer... randomly be traded to SmackDown, have 1 match and disappear, or be future endeavored in 2 weeks?


It’s clear Styles should be solo and when he does would u give him one more run at the title or is his time on top done? Also bracket idea best in ring wrestler not named Shawn (so I guess 2nd best)


What else does Vince have under his desk apart from pencils