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Is Vince going to be like the boss from Ted, with the dude that attacked Seth? “That took guts, we need guts”


WWWW 2021 award winner for the year Becky at survivor series bottom left a couple times please


Patreon Bracket Idea: "WWWW Best Of". Have the listeners submit their favorite bits from the show; "Real Saudi Arabian", "Who Are You", "Pizza", "Eric singing Trips theme", etc. Could be fun!


Random question totally unrelated to Raw: Have you ever wanted to tap dat ass so bad, you jump a guardrail and attack her baby daddy?


Should Vince keep the egg in his lockbox? That way no one will ever find it.


What’s tougher to watch? Raw centering around a god damn egg or the ny jets quarterback controversies


Would be interesting to start predicting what you think the grade of PPVs will be ahead of time. Ie. Day 1 was a D- but we predicted it would be an F so good job WWE, you suck slightly less

Jake Baker

Push, Fire, Bury: Thrown Together Tag Teams, Forgotten Feuds in the name of brand supremacy, that goddamn egg


so I watched this shawn doc on the cock about the second half of his career, being young I haven't watch much of the first half. So which one y'all think is the better part of his career


Worst. Raw. Ever…. And that says a lot. I can’t even come up with a question for you guys. Fucken awful.


Bracket idea... Most WTF did I just watch moment. Good or bad. Examples include Katie Vick, Mae Young birthing a hand, Stephanie/HHH wedding, rollins popping Rey's eye out, first firefly fun house, that security lady trying to tackle Gronk at WrestleMania


Who can Jinder and SHANKY rap battle next? Their last rap was so hard Vince had to get cut Hit Row


Fantasy Booking: With Morrison gone and no more (haha comedy bullshit) drip gimmick, the Miz return’s at Survivor Series and interferes in the Damien Priest vs Shinske match. Who does the Miz go after? Chase for the IC title puts the Miz in the running for tied most IC title championships at 9 (Chris Jericho) or continue his storyline feud with Damian Priest and end it will a United States Championship run? Which do you pick?


Who would win the following events out of the 3 of you. - 100m sprint - Javelin - Clay shooting - Arm wrestling - bra and panties match

Jason Dearham

With how careful WWE is with protecting wrestlers from injury. Are u surprised they haven't banned Big E from diving through the ropes, the one at Survivor Series was his scariest one yet...


Push/Fire/Bury- Turn in the egg for a title shot, keep the egg hidden to drive Vince crazy, SELL THE EGG FOR A HUNDRED FUCKING MILLION DOLLARS.


Did NY see how badly the Giants and Jets’ seasons were going and decide to take their anger out at Seth & Montez Ford?


How does Rollins build on this fan attack moving forward?

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-28 22:58:33 Anyone catch when Sonya Deville said she “interviewed every single wwe superstar from Top to Bottom”? Exactly how many Tops & Bottoms did she interrogate and what method did she use?
2021-11-23 23:14:58 Anyone catch when Sonya Deville said she “interviewed every single wwe superstar from Top to Bottom”? Exactly how many Tops & Bottoms did she interrogate and what method did she use?

Anyone catch when Sonya Deville said she “interviewed every single wwe superstar from Top to Bottom”? Exactly how many Tops & Bottoms did she interrogate and what method did she use?


Will rkbro break up before mania