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One per person and keep them short please!



Idk if you guys heard but anyone with Dish Network is now losing Fox, ABC, NBC etc due to contract negotiations. Expect Smackdown raiting to drop significantly.

Tyrone Grizz

Just a general question. Is the soundboard labeled? Or do You just memorize each button?


i already asked this on twitter but i remembered lol what was the point of putting sami in the tournament if everyone knows he’s not going to go to saudi?


No question thanks for covering smack down raw and nxt because I have given up on all wwe programs at the point just keep up with it with podcast it’s been like 2 months with no wwe and I’m not really missing it at all

Danny Fischer

What are the odds with the draft rosters in effect three weeks after the drafts were held that they forget someone was moved from one show to the other and have them on the wrong show?


Some similarities with wrestling and DC and Marvel: Marvel is losing top names and pushing newer younger talent while DC has top names but doesnt know how to use them and only push Batman and rightfully so

Todd Fricker

Push, fire, bury….new gimmick for Drew MacIntyre. Dude Love rip-off, Drew Love. Have him take Big E’s place in the New Day and they can be “Drew Day” or have him hook up with DooDoo Drop and they can be Drew Drop?

Would You Ever Ask a Nightingale

So glad Hogwash is out, can’t get enough of you guys. Who should Gable Steveson feud with first? Is Chad Gable too obvious?

Joey Cage

I know I’m not supposed to be “PLUGGING OTHER PEOPLES PODCASTS!!!!” But I forgot to ask on Hollywood Hogwash, will you be recapping Halloween Kills???


The Woods being super focused on becoming KOTR will he turn heel on Kofi if Kofi beats Jinder this week?


Monsoor vs a wet bag, in North America = wet bag with roll up. Monsoor vs Roman, in Saudi = fair fight, monsoor with clean win.


What will be the longer winning streak. Undertaker at Mania or Monsoor at SaudiMania ?


I don't think they will even do the draft changes they are just going to completely forget they did a draft and the Champs will be on both shows


Push fire or bury “Do I have to” edition: Von Wagner Paint Drying Dieting


In honor of SaudiMania, Stone Her, Bone Her, Own Her. Kayla Braxton, Sarah Schreiber, McKenzie Mitchell.


Here’s a question, why have kofi and Xavier in the same bracket but not have a match 🤦🏾‍♂️ wwe booking


Why does Naomi want to be traded to Raw to get away from Sonya? Isn't she in charge of both shows?

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

Push Fire Bury Saudi Mania Match Types: Punjabi Prison Match where the structure exits actually decapitate the wrestlers. Inferno Match: where the wrestlers who do not agree with the local politics are put in the ring and then set on fire Women’s Ladder match where the women start the match in a bikini and have to climb the ladder first to retrieve the full body outfit first.


Next bracket idea…Best catchphrase in WWE history (example: You Can’t See Me, If Ya Smell, Suck It, etc)


If Finn Baylor wins King of the Ring we LITERALLY have Demon King (Jim Ross voice) And can we please get a “Someone fucked my waffle” T-shirt!!??

Jason Dearham

Do u think Balor could win KOTR cos Vince had an idea to turn a Prince into a King?? And seeing how Sami Zayn can't even travel to Saudi Arabia,  why is he in the KOTR Tournament????

Eric Ngu

If the amount of followers/patreons for this podcast was flipped with the Hollywood Hogwash. Would you guys still be doing this podcast as much?

Mustafuckedup Ali

Do you all have a name for listeners of the pod like E & C used to? And since this is a fan question, Joe is excluded from answering.

Brock Landers

That crowd in “Winnipeg” sure was loud last night huh?


What crowd lol . From what The pictures I saw Twitter the arena was half empty 🙈