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One per person and keep them short please!



Is Christian going through a whole match without having to wrestle considered a skill or talent?


When is that piece of garbage Josh going to answer my challenge he’s messed with Hamilton now he must face me!

Jake Baker

Why does babyface Kyle O’Reily dress like Diet Orange Cassidy now?


Who has gone the longest not Wrestling on Live TV: Kenny Omega or Roman Reigns?


Josh, Eric (with a “c”) called you boring, a drain on everything you come in contact with and not smart because you don’t know how to spell his name. Any rebuttals?


Rito Hamilton burner? Confirmed!


Trivia for You guys: What wrestler was trained by Motley Cruz? The jumpin Jeff farmer promo guy. Answer: Marko Stunt


Which Ultimate Warrior episode are you looking forward to more... the A&E biography that WWE will have input on, or the Dark Side of the Ring episode ?


Do you think that Tbar and Mace was trying to morph into power rangers Monday night when they was yelling all the animals?


No question bracket idea. Dream match bracket like steamboat and angle or punk and Austin. Everyone in there prime best dream match


Next patreon exclusive idea:boxing match Eric vs Josh. Settle it once and for all


If all four of you were to debut on AEW what will your stable name be and how would you eventually kick josh out of the stable

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

Josh vs Eric 3stages of hell match, Joe & Andrew get to pick the 3 stipulations. What are they?


La knight has literally no redeeming qualities. He’s not a heel u hate and watch, u just say wow this guy sucks and change the channel whenever he is on. Not sure wtf the point of that guy really is...


People say LA Knight sounds just like The Rock, but personally I don't hear it. What do you guys think?


Just listened to your episode with Alex debarrio. Wanted to bring up some stuff that you talked about and see how it held up. A mojo rawley was gonna be wwe champ in the next 2 years, B lunatic fringe was actually a pretty good name, and C jinder mahal was no less legitimate than any other wwe champ


“Cool Kyle” reminds me of butters from South Park for some reason...


Can anyone explain the point of the Elite and Moxley angle? Did they fuck up the editing of it or is it just an extremely poor attempt of story telling?