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So as you probably already know, our bracket for this month is BEST WWE WRESTLER TO NEVER WIN THE BIG ONE!  Thanks to everyone who submitted names, but now we have to narrow it down to the TOP 64!  

We currently have 90 names and we need your help!  Go over the list, and submit 26 names that you would REMOVE from this list, so we can get to a TOP 64.  Thanks!

Remember, we are choosing these guys based on their WWE careers only:

1. Razor Ramon

2. Rick Rude

3. Jake Roberts

4. Rikishi

5. Ricky Steamboat

6. Jesse Ventura

7. Ted DiBiase

8. Bam Bam Bigelow

9. King Kong Bundy

10. Owen Hart

11. British Bulldog

12. Ken Shamrock

13. Mr. Kennedy

14. Jimmy Snuka

15. Jerry Lawler

16. Mr. Perfect

17. Roddy Piper

18. Dynamite Kid

19. Paul Orndoff

20. Barry Windham

21. Jim Duggan

22. Wade Barrett

23. William Regal

24. George the Animal Steele

25. Goldust

26. Greg Valentine

27. Honky Tonk Man

28. Junkyard Dog

29. Tatanka

30. Brian Pillman

31. Vader

32. DDP

33. Dusty Rhodes

34. Mike Rotunda

35. Billy Gunn

36. Tito Santana

37. Rusev

38. Cody Rhodes

39. Matt Hardy

40. Neville

41. Big Boss Man

42. Damian Sandow

43. Farooq

44. Godfather

45. Luke Harper

46. X-Pac

47. Road Dogg

48. Al Snow

49. Lex Lugar

50. Chyna

51. Zack Ryder

52. Sting

53. Terry Funk

54. Val Venis

55. Viscera

56. Bad News Brown

57. Finlay

58. Hardcore Holly

59. Jim Neidhart

60. Raven

61. Rick Martel

62. Scott Steiner

63. Bob Orton Jr.

64. Bruiser Brody

65. Brutus Beefcake

66. Don Muraco

67. Jeff Jarrett

68. Nikolai Volkoff

69. Bubba Ray

70. D-Von

71. Chavo Guerrero

72. Tommy Dreamer

73. Test

74. D’Lo Brown

75. Big John Stud

76. Texas Tornado

77. Carlito

78. Earthquake

79. Hurricane

80. Samoa Joe

81. Shelton Benjamin

82. Cesaro

83. Big E

84. Shane McMahon

85. John Morrison

86. Bobby Roode

87. MVP

88. Nakamura

89. Sami Zayn

90. R-Truth


Mike Dawes

Oof that’s a lotta work


Names I would remove for various reasons at first glance: King Kong Bundy, Dynamite Kid, Barry Windham, Goldust, George Steele, Tatanka, DDP, XPac, Al Snow, MVP, DVon Dudley, Terry Funk, Val Venis, Hurricane, Brutus Beefcake


Rikishi Bam Bam Bigelow King Kong Bundy Dynamite Kid Greg Valentine Junkyard Dog Tito Santana Damian Sandow Bad News Brown Rick Martel Don Murako Nikolai Volkov Big John Stud Texas Tornado Carlito Earthquake Hurricane R-Truth MVP John Morrison Jim Neidhart Val Venis Zack Ryder Road Dogg Al Snow Godfather


mr kennedy, jerry lawyer, goldust, tatanka, billy gunn, rusev, cody rhodes, neville, sandow, luke harper, x pac, road dogg, al snow, zack ryder (sorry joe), sting, val venis, viscera, bubba ray, d von, chavo, tommy dreamer, d’lo, carlito, shelton benjamin. mvp & r truth


Rikishi Jesse Ventura Bam bam Bigelow Jerry Lawler Wade Barrett Goldust Honky Tonk Man Tatanka Brian Pillman DDP Dusty Rhodes Cody Rhodes Damian Sandow Farooq Road Dogg Al Snow Sting Val Venis Viscera Finlay Hardcore Holly Scott Steiner D-Von Chavo Test Carlito


1.) Hurricane 2.) Chavo Guerrero 3.) Tommy Dreamer 4.) D-Von 5.) Finlay 6.) Paul Orndoff 7.) Tatanka 8.) Mike Rotunda 9.) Chyna 10.) Earthquake 11.) John Morrison 12.) Carlito 13.) Bob Orton 14.) Brutus Beefcake 15.) Don Muraco 16.) Viscera 17.) Tito Santana 18.) Sami Zayn 19.) Big E 20.) Texas Tornado 21.) Big John Stud 22.) Rick Martel 23.) Jim Neidhart 24.) Nikolai Volkoff 25.) Hardcore Holly 26.) Bad News Brown Gotta keep R-Truth in there just for the lols


I agree with all of these except King King bundy. And maaaaaybe Terry funk. Did d-von and dynamite kid even have singles runs?


This was enjoyable! 1.) Rikishi 2.) Jesse Ventura 3.) Bam Bam 4.) King Kong Bundy 5.) Jimmy Snuka 6.) Jerry Lawler 7.) Jim Duggan 8.) George Steele 9.) Goldust 10.) Honky Tonk Man 11.) Junkyard Dog 12.) Tatanka 13.) Mike Rontunda 14.) Matt Hardy 15.) Big Boss Man 16.) Damian Sandow 17.) Godfather 18.) Luke Harper 19.) Road Dogg Jesse James 20.) Chyna 21.) Val Venis 22.) Viscera 23.) Bad News Brown 24.) DVon 25.) Chavo 26.) Shane McMahon


Razor Ramon and the Andy p of wwww


Rikishi, Mr. Kennedy, Dynamite kid, Barry Windom, George steel, Damian Sandow, Chyna, Viscera, Rick Martel, Tommy Dreamer, Raven, Jim Neighart, Scott Steiner, Hardcore Holly, Bad news Brown, Mike Rotelle, Brian Pillman, Golddust, Carlito, Hurricane, MVP, R-Truth, King Kong Buddy, Nikolai Volkoff


MVP Hurricane Earthquake Carlito Texas tornado Brutus beefcake Bob Orton jr Scott Steiner Rick Martel Viscera Sting Chyna Godfather Damien sandow Mike rotunda George Steele DDP Val Venis Tommy dreamer John Morrison Shelton Benjamin D-Lo brown Chavo Raven Terry funk Neville


Val Venis Big John Stud Nikolai Volkoff Shane McMahon - how is this even a contender Jim Duggan King Kong Bundy Bad News Brown Paul Orndoff Ted Debiase Bam Bam Bigelow Jesse Ventura Goldust Tatanka Mike Rotunda Damian Sandow Jimmy Snuka Godfather Don Muraco Bubba Ray D-Von Hurricane Earthquake Rick Martel Junkyard Dog George the Animal Steele Greg Valentine


remove: Nikolai Volkoff Big John Studd Tommy Dreamer Chavo Guerrero D-Von Bubba Ray Jim Niedhart Billy Gunn John Morrison Mr. Kennedy George the Animal Steele Damian Sandow Viscera Bad News Brown R-Truth Shane McMahon Hurricane Earthquake Brutus Beefcake Test Texas Tornado Road Dogg X-Pac Tantanka Greg Valentine


Before I comment my answers, I removed current stars because they still have a chance rather than someone retired of deceased & I didn’t add Sting or DDP ‘cause we’re focusing on their WWE careers


R Truth Sami Zayn Naka MVP Bobby Roode John Morrison Shane Big E Cesaro Shelton Samoa Carlito Wade Barrett Bad News Brown Brutus Bubba DVon Sting Dynamite Kid DDP Neidhart Scott Steiner Jerry Lawler Terry Funk Tommy Dreamer Raven


Greg Valentine Honky tonk man Tatanka Mike Rotunda Tito Santana Matt Hardy Neville Damian Sandow Godfather X-Pac Road Dogg Chyna Zack Ryder Viscera Hardcore Holly Rick Martel Brutus Beefcake Bubba Ray D-Von Chavo Guerrero D'Lo Brown Carlito Earthquake Hurricane Shelton Benjamin Big E


R truth Hurricane Mr Kennedy Sting William Regal Tatanka MVP Damien Sandow X pac Road Dogg Chyna Jeff Jarrett Tommy Dreamer Test Earthquake Shelton Benjamin John Morrison Barry Windham D-Von Nikolai Volkoff Finaly Viscera Zack Ryder Bad News brown Mike Rotunda Jim Duggan

Joel Hanson

Ken Shamrock Mr. Kennedy Dynamite Kid Wade Barrett Greg Valentine Neville Damian Sandow X-pac Road Dogg Viscera Jim Neidhart Raven Chavo Guerrero Test Carlito King Kong Bundy William Regal George The Animal Steele Honky Tonk Man Billy Gunn Barry Windham Mike Rotunda Chyna Rick Martel D-von Sting ...Thanks for always asking for the fans input. That means alot to us.


Ok firstly, fuck off. Secondly, I predominately made my decision based on people I knew had no shot of winning. Thirdly, Andrew and Joe love Zack Ryder so if he ends up in a good match up him being eliminated could lead to some good entertainment. And entertainment is what I’m paying for you stupid cunt. Oh, and fourthly, once again, fuck off


How bout you stop shitting on people’s list and insulting them just because they have a different opinion than you. This is supposed to be fun. Stop acting like your ideas matter the most.


1. Jerry Lawler 2. Dynamite Kid 3. Barry Windham 4. George the Animal Steele 5. Mike Rotunda 6. Rusev 7. Cody Rhodes 8. Neville 9. Damian Sandow 10. Godfather 11. X-Pac 12. Chyna 13. Terry Funk 14. Viscera 15. Bad News Brown 16. Bob Orton Jr. 17. Bruiser Brody 18. Nikolai Volkoff 19. D-Von 20. Tommy Dreamer 21. D’Lo Brown 22. Hurricane 23. Big E 24. John Morrison 25. MVP 26. R-Truth


1. George the animal steel 2. Greg valentine 3. Tatanka 4. Ddp 5. Mike rotundo 6. Neville 7. Godfather 8. Al snow 9. Chyna 10. Zack Ryder 11. Sting 12. Terry funk 13. Bad news brown 14. Finlay 15. Jim neidhart 16. Bob orton jr 17. Brutus beefcake 18. D-von 19. Chavo 20. Hurricane 21. Shane McMahon 22. R-truth 23. D lo brown 24. Big John studd 25 Tommy dreamer 26 road dogg


Truth, Shane, Hurricane, Tornado, Big John Studd, D-Lo, Dreamer, Muraco, Beefcake, Hardcore Holly, Val Venis, Viscera, Cody, Tito, IRS, Tatanka, Honky Tonk, Barry Windham, Orndorff, Dynamite Kidd, Bundy, Rikishi, Jesse Ventura, Goldust, George Steele


When does voting end? I meant to do this yesterday but forgot, and I'm off to work now.


King king Bundy Rikishi Jimmy snuka Jerry Lawler Dynamite Kid Barry Windham Jim Duggan George the Animal Greg Valentine Honky Tonk Man Tatanka DDP Godfather Luke Harper (sorry) Finlay Jim Neidhart Val Venis Brutus Beefcake D-Von Hurricane R-Truth Big John Stud Tommy Dreamer Test Sting Raven


1 Rikishi 2 Jessy Ventura 3 King kong Bundy 4 Mr Kennedy 5 Paul OrnDorff 6 Jim Duggan 7 Greg Valentine 8 George the animal Steele 9 Junkyard Dog 10 Mike Rotunda 11 Tito Santana 12 Neville 13 AL Snow 14 Lex Luger 15 Viscera 16 Bad news Brown 17 Jim Neidhart 18 Rick Martel 19 Bob Orton JR 20 Shane McMahon 21 Earthquake 22 Big John Stud 23 D'lo Brown 24 Texas Tornado 25 Don Muraco 26 D-Von


1. Jesse Ventura 2. King Kong Bundy 3. Mr. Kennedy 4. Dynamite Kid 5. Paul Orndorf 6. Jim Duggan 7. George "The Animal" Steele 8. Greg Valentine 9. Junkyard Dog 10. Mike Rotunda 11. Billy Gunn 12. Cody Rhodes 13. Neville 14. X-Pac 15. Road Dogg 16. Al Snow 17. Zack Ryder 18. Viscera 19. Jim Neidhart 20. Brutus Beefcake 21. Don Muraco 22. D-Von 23. D'Lo Brown 24. Texas Tornado 25. The Hurricane 26. Shane McMahon


Some of these list are hilarious. 😂🤣 I Can’t wait to see who the guys take off.


1. Razor Ramon 8. Bam Bam Bigelow 29. Tatanka 30. Brian Pillman 31. Vader 34. Mike Rotunda 40. Neville 56. Bad News Brown 64. Bruiser Brody 72. Tommy Dreamer 76. Texas Tornado 78. Earthquake 84. Shane McMahon 86. Bobby Roode 7. Ted DiBiase 18. Dynamite Kid 28. Junkyard Dog 33. Dusty Rhodes 38. Cody Rhodes 43. Farooq 48. Al Snow 51. Zack Ryder 67. Jeff Jarrett 74. D’Lo Brown 60. Raven 61. Rick Martel


Does everyone realise these are names to be taken off the list? What is Mr Kennedy doing on there? :(


The fact that you have Rikishi on here shows you have no idea about wrestling history