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New rumors song soon?


Did you notice that Riddle was reading his line from the back of the title during his backstage promo with the new day?


With WWE ratings nowhere close to the ratings they got during the attitude era or even the ruthless aggression era, one easy way to help ratings is to do surprises and not spoil them on social media. Why do you think Vince chooses to not do this?

Cousin John

What's the most annoying catchphrase in wrestling today?


How do we make the show more appealing to adults? Shopping in a mall & Slime! Do you guys have any real ideas to make it more edgy or aimed at adults?


Which fanbase bitches more when their theories goes to shit? Wrestling fans or MCU fans (Wandavision)?


What is Jesse's conspiracy theory as to why Shane is picking on Braun?

Todd Fricker

Who would you say has had the biggest “fall from Grace” in their wrestling career? Miro Otis Braun Stroman Alister Black Ricochet


Could WM37 possibly be the worst event in sports history?


Push , Fire , Bury : GoodFellas , Taxi Driver , Fight Club


Which Raw or Smackdown superstar would you most like to see return to NXT to revive their career?


I pretty much guarantee that the only reason they used slime on Raw, is cause Vince found some left over from the last time they used it on Kayla Braxton. A segment that also involved Braun.


Why is it that every time WWE stumble across something popular accidentally they ruin it almost straight away? Kofi and now The Hurt Business losing their tag titles

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

PUSH FIRE BURY: Boxing match against 20 yr old Mike Tyson UFC fight against UFC Champion Brock Lesnar Week long sex marathon with Nia Jax

Mike Dawes

I’ve been noticing Tom Phillips says “award winning thunder dome” every time to start the show . So my question is what award could they be talking about ??! My guess is a fuckin slammy


Is anyone else just waiting for Shane to re-enact his 2001 promo with the 'Jack and the Beanstalk' reading, this time for Braun rather than Big Show?


Not a question, but how has big shows "who saw that turn coming?" Not made the soundboard? Shit. I guess that is a question.


Update #13: Summerslam ‘98 is great. Triple H vs Rock’s ladder match was amazing and Stone Cold is really starting to solidify himself as one of the greats. Anyways, I’ll throw out another question. Eddie Guerrero or Christian? I know they’re both not all-time legends but I’ve always thought they were severely under appreciated.


If you had time-travel abilities and went back to TO-New Orleans and spoke to these wrestlers after the show, and you revealed where they would be today, P/F/B who would be most skeptical of your abilities: Ricochet, Andrade 'Cien' Almas, or Aleister Black?


Hey guys big fan of the pod! For a monthly special what about an old TNA ppv recap? If you want a good one to enjoy maybe Bound For Glory 2012 & if you want one that sucks to make fun of it Victory Road 2011. Keep up the great work my friends!


Question for Hamilton; Would you rather be trapped in a romantic comedy with Josh or trapped in a horror movie with Andrew and Joe?

Donald Alexander

How would y’all pick for each era...Attitude,Ruthless Agg,and today as your hottest female?...1 from each era.


Wasn't Dolph trying to bang Otis' girlfriend a few months ago. Why are they best friends and tagging together now?

Jason Dearham

Do u think Shane v Braun at Fastlane ends with Daba Kato interfering (on behalf of his ex-boss against the only man to beat him on RawUnderground.) setting up him vs Strowman at WM?? Happy 3:16 Day!


You guys missed a good joke on the 2020 summerslam ppv when bayley had the broom and said “it’s going to be a clean sweep”, you should have said, “bayley you bitch!! what’s wrong with wrestling says that!!” This is further proof that they listen to the podcast and that no matter where they steal material from they always manage to screw it up


Would you rather get smothered to death by non Aunt Bayley or Toni storm?

Michael Cole

who’s your Final 4 and Champion?


Do you guys think that the lockbox Shane referenced years ago is where Vince holds all the NXT versions or good versions of all the roster? Shane knew he would end up locked inside at some point so he traveled to the past to try and stop it....he was too late and is now sliming Braun on the Teen Choice Awards...I mean Raw...


With the way Lashley career has been resuscitated, do you think any mid-carder/jobber is a lost cause or do the goofy jobbers have an expiration date? (IE Riddle)

Eric Ngu

Bayleys ass is big but do you guys think it’s one of those cases where it looks better covered up? She probably has a lot of cellulite.


What is Joes least favorite part of doing the podcast and why is it answering fan questions?

allen dick

Who or what is making WWE an overall bad show?