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PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

Push Fire Bury: Hardcore Match: Edge vs Mick Foley Wrestlemania 23 Street Fight: Cactus Jack vs Triple H Royal Rumble 2000 Summerslam 1996 Boiler Room Brawl: Undertaker vs Mankind


why was Mvp dressed as the Most Valuable Pimp?


Glad to see you guys are still alive after what happened at the end of your Revolution recap.


Push/fire/bury things coming out of wrestler’s mouths: - Asukas tooth - Orton’s motor oil goop - Whatever the hell Shane’s promo was


What’s your favourite ever championship belt design? Mine is the Attitude Era WWF Championship.


Can you guys review other wrestler's cameos?


Make a spot for me in the WWWW t shirt hall of fame!!( gotta have them all) Love the show keep up the good work!!!


It's my birthday


How the hell can you even post this after you guys blew up during the Revolution podcast... way to keep keyfabe alive


Y’all going to the movies when they open up for Kong vs Godzilla or anything else? My boy governor hot wheels said we’re all back tomorrow.🤷🏻


Just when you thought toy spiders, women’s smackdown karaoke, and retribution was abysmal...I give you Shane McMahon. Was that his worst segment/promo ever?

Jason Dearham

When Alexa lit up the Ring posts one of them malfunctioned, was that a shout out to AEW?


Push Fire Bury Delete WWWW Tshirt ideas, Andrew with the soundboard, Eric clapping his hands and laughing,Joe saying AND NEW!, Josh saying To Be Fair


You guys need to find the scene from last weeks episode of the Goldbergs episode name Mr. ships ahoy.. Goldberg is in it and he says “you found my two weaknesses, my need to dominate and my desire to get paid for nothing”. I can literally picture him saying this before walking out to squash KO. This should definitely be a soundboard contender.


If a baby's leg pops out at 11:59PM but his head doesn't come out until 12:01, which day was he born on?


If you can chose 1 wwe wrestler past or present to be featured in the game Super Smash Bros who would you chose


I think it's a good thing to distance Riddle from the Lucha House Party so WWE doesn't try to make another Lucha Bros... plus the gimmick was horrible!


Update #12: I watched Wrestlemania 14 directly after AEW Revolution so that contrast was definitely refreshing. I’ll throw out another question for you guys. What’s your favorite Wrestlemania MATCH? (excluding Shawn and Taker)


With the way Lashley career has been resuscitated, do you think any mid-carder/jobber is a lost cause or do the goofy jobbers have an expiration date? (IE Riddle)

Mustafuckedup Ali

Push fire bury, Mysterio edition: Rey riding piggyback to the ring, Rey face-fucking Otis, Rey headbutting the cameraman afterwards...

Dhruv Doshi

Just watched ‘Money Plane’ Now I know why Edge came back to wrestling. Can’t wait to hear your recap


If you were doing a prediction sheets back in 2001 when the titles were unified and Jericho vs Rock and winner faced Stone Cold who would you have predicted? Looking back now do you think they made the right choice?


Who do you think was over the most? Mizdow or eugen?


Did we just witness sheamus best match of his life or is my weed just that strong


If you could shoot anything out of your belly button what would it be 🤔

Eric Ngu

Bayleys ass is big but do you guys think it’s one of those cases where it looks better covered up? She probably has a lot of cellulite.

allen dick

Push, fire, bury Lashley becomes face, Miz becomes face, and McIntire becomes heel?