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What makes for a better superstar, mic skills or in ring ability?


Push Fire Bury : OVW class of 2002 Randy Brock Cena


What a waste of talent - poor Ciampa! What’s next for him?! Also Joe keep going with LA Knight - he was good as Eli Drake on TNA x


When Excalibur said "that's her mentor, Brandi Rhodes' move", who else heard Michael Cole say, in the back of your head, "a spear? But Brandi Rhodes does that!" PS. Shaq was believable Pps. Mostly


Shaq’s bump was single-handedly better than any The Great Khali or Big Show have ever taken. Am I wrong?


Would you like Show to face any specific opponent?


Over/under 41.5 for the age of the new big signing for all elderly wrestling


“How much ring rust would Leon Ruff have if Leon Ruff had ring rust” And if you want a real challenge follow it up with “How much ring rust would Leo Rush have if Leo Rush had ring rust”


Celebrities. 60+ year old wrestlers fighting younger guys. Barbed wire death matches. Are you guys enjoying the more 'real sports' feel that AEW promised?


People are taking ‘hall of fame worthy’ very literally, they’re hardly going to hype their new signing by saying ‘he’s got no chance of ever making the hall of fame but he’s All Elite’ are they? It’s gonna be Ryback


Would you rather fight a Paul White sized Shaq, or a Shaq sized Paul White, or a Joe Pizzano interpreted sized Duck?

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

Push Fire Bury: Drive Shotzi’s tank through Houston traffic for a year Be Paul Wights producer for a month worth of face/heel turns. Be Triple Hs assistant where your only job is to consistently wipe away his tears every time Vince takes creative control of his creations.


Josh missed the episodes when this was being discussed weeks ago. So was curious at where he thinks DeShaun Watson starts next season ?


It’s Twoosday. You know what that means? JR said it.

Jason Dearham

I think the most important question about this whole Lumis/Theory/Indi situation is..... Who gets the pink and who gets the stink?!?


Can we please see Josh’s paper i wanna see the misspelled words lol


News has a theme song and rumors has a theme song so where is Joes trivia theme song .