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One per person and keep them short please!



On a scale of 1-10 how excited are you for Shane McMahon vs Braun at Mania?


Would you ever like to see one Undisputed World Champion again and one roster across both Raw & Smackdown, the way it used to be?


If you could only watch one wrestling match for the rest of your life what are you picking?


Who else would you guys rush to a win the WWE championship?😂


Does either one of Miz or Lashley being in the title picture make any sense at all? Surely there has to be better options.


Why in hell did they give the belt to Miz just to give it to Lashley? Did they think Lashley Vs Drew was bigger attraction than Miz/Drew


With last week when said triple h and steph going looking for rare WWE memorabilia, Any thoughts on selling them hbk hair you ripped out years ago


How’s the asshole Andrew?

Jason Dearham

Do u think The Fiend should have chosen Nikki as his crazy sidekick? OR... Por que no los dos? P.S. The 3 M-migos needs to happen. Just for the entrance! Just wait til Mahal's back.


F marry kill Dashaun Watson Sam Darnold Justin Fields


Is it time to get the band back together to update the intro or has Andrew moved on to fear boner sex dreams of Charlotte? She’s basically a walking fleshlight now whi...ok ya know what, keep the intro.


Push/FIRE/BURY The most awkward family reunion Vince McMahon and Hornswoggle Eric Bischoff and Eugene Kurt Angle and Jason Jordan


Which comment aged the worst? “Mick foley being gm could save raw” a month before he became gm, “I will never get bored of Shane McMahon”, or “it’s not possible to mess up Bobby Roodes character, he’s just triple H”

Superficial Blackberry

am I the only one that doesn't want to see Lashley lose the title anytime soon. I think the hurt business is the most interesting part of raw at this point and is the best stable the main roster has had since the shield


Will the Miz stay in the title picture, or will he pull a Kofi and ‘forget’ he was just champion and focus on his mania match with Morrison against Bad Bunny and Booker T?


Santa’s Slay leads to Goldberg meeting his wife and remaining retired for at least 10 more years. Ready to rumble leads to David Arquette being given the WCW world heavyweight championship speeding up the final demise of WCW leading to shitty wrestling FOREVER.


I love Damien Priest - I think he is the potential to be great but get him the fuck away from Bad Bunny!! Or is it just me! X


Since WWE like to get rid of old employees, at what age does Michael Cole qualify to be future endeavored?

Leon Davies

I know retribution have been nothing but awful But seriously then helping out in a lumberjack match has to be the most stupid thing ever doesn’t it??


After Andrews shocking revelation last week can we get a movie recap of The Call starring Halle berry and David otunga


Is Apollo's new gimmick that he recently experienced a major loss and desperately needs your help getting his 50 million dollar back into his escrow bank account to regain his royalty status?


In honour of the big show leaving the WWE, which current roster star would benefit the most from a face/heel turn?


What would Lashley need to do to become considered as the greatest champion ever?


It's the dangerous three letters in Professional Wrestling RLP ( Roll up )

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

Do you think Vince is wishing COVID-19 had started in 2015? he could use the Thunderdome and fake crowd sounds to make Roman look as the greatest baby face in company history on television.

allen dick

What one male and female wrestler needs to be eliminated from Raw and Smackdown?


Update #11: Just watched Stone Cold go back to back in the ‘98 rumble and Goldberg is on the rise in WCW (“oh no no no”) I’ll throw out a question for you guys. Do you guys prefer Mankind or Undertaker in their prime?

Eric Ngu

Bayleys ass is big but do you guys think it’s one of those cases where it looks better covered up? She probably has a lot of cellulite.


How much ring rust would Leon Ruff have if Leon Ruff had ring rust? Shout out to former Dusty Cup champion Matt Riddle


What is the Covid protocol at Wwe? If the Miz showed symptoms like last night, he should have been forced to leave the building and made to quarantine till fast lane.


Forgetting what you know now, who did you think was going to win in 2001 when it was the Rock vs Jericho and the winner when on to face Stone Cold to unify the titles?

Jason Dearham

I think the most important question about this whole Lumis/Theory/Indi situation is..... Who gets the pink and who gets the stink?!?