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Rey Mysterio, Keith Lee and now Randy Orton all with eye injuries these last 6 months. It’s a good thing they’re Independent Contractors and not employees or Vince’s insurance would be through the roof !

Jason Dearham

Was Adam Pearce on his knees in that backstage segment with AJ Styles and Gulak? They were both the same height as him. P.S. Can't wait for Randy v Alexa at the Great Balls of Fire PPV... #Hadouken


What type of match would you fight vince in

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

Would you rather be Chris Pines’ character in the first Wonder Woman film, you get to have sex with Wonder Woman but die in a horrible plane crash Or be the body of the guy Chris Pine QUANTUM LEAPED into and have sex with Wonder Woman, have no memory of it happening but you still live. What if Instead of Wonder Woman it’s Alexa, Zelina or Stacy Keibler???


So how bad do you feel for Shinuske?


Aunt Bayley on Stone Cold’s podcast was cool and all, but aren’t you disappointed that they didn’t sing “Baby It’s Cold Outside”?


How different land scape of wwe would be if Benoit didn't do what he did?


It's been son long since I've actually seen wrestling I mostly stay in the look thru you guys maybe I missed it but why is samoa joe on commentary and not wrestling matches or doing anything meaningful


Update #3: Holy shit! Just finished King of the Ring ‘96. The birth of Stone Cold gave me goosebumps. First time I saw the 3:16 promo in its entirety. I’ve also been enjoying the Mankind/Undertaker feud. WCW still kinda boring.


What was HHH there to talk about? WWE said he was there to talk about Legends Night but never did. What do you think he was going to talk about?


Sincr when did Mandy Rose sound like a weird version of Harley Quinn


Push fire bury - joe joining nwo - Eric joining team angle or Andrew joining DX


No question but last week like yourself Andrew I had my parents watch raw with me last week and mom who hates wrestling had the same reaction to hogan. Like a “what is this...”


So Brock will win the rumble and fight Reigns at Mania. But who will fight Oldberg for his title?


Movie review request. Hulu has “You cannot kill David Arquette.” Has appearances from MJF, Jungle Boy , and few others. Actually not a bad documentary.


Do you guys think Vince won't build stars in the same way the WWF/WWE did for Austin/The Rock/Shawn Michaels because he doesn't want them to have any power or creative stroke over their character and story lines?


Was triple h afraid to get that t shirt off


What did Keith Lee do wrong to be buried that badly ?


Not a question just glad to have you guys back! It was torture having to fast forward they 5 hours of garbage and not hear you guys rip it to shreds. Thanks for bringing some actual entertainment to WWE


In the ending sequence of the women's tag match when Nia was climbing the top rope, Tom phillips just said "I don't wanna see this". Any chance we can nominate that for the soundboard?


Were you as surprised as I was that Adam Pearce is a 5 time NWA World Champion and in the NWA Hall of Fame? What do you think the odds are that he actually faces Reigns at the Rumble?


Is this a face turn/push for Nakamura? Would you guys be behind him getting his old music back and returning to the main event scene?


What is your guys favorite current wwe superstar t shirt? Mine is bayleys know your role model..(after the rock)


So Drew really pulled the covid card so he didn't have to build a match in person with Oldberg


1/4 Chubb, 1/2 Chubb, Full Chub the 3 Females referees, Smackdown,Raw,AEW


PFB: Female DX, Female NWO, Female Evolution


At what point does Triple H no longer care that other wrestlers make comments about Stephanie having his balls in her purse and just laugh it off, like yeah and I’m billionaire, so fucking stupid.

Leon Davies

How long until Lacey Evans shags Ric Flair to death??


Hey yo. Who do you pick to make it to the Super Bowl?

Willie Fistergash

Hey guys, you're by far my favorite wrestling podcast, thank you for everything y'all do! I started watching wrestling around '07 and never really saw boogeyman wrestle. Was he actually any good or was he just a gimmick?


Does Jesse the Mind have any conspiracies about Drew getting Covid? I also have a suggestion for a Patreon recap: New Japan Pro Wrestling: Wrestle Kingdom 10: it has nakamura vs styles(right before they both left for WWE), Kenny omega and kushida, young bucks, Kyle o Reilly and bobby fish, and also ricochet.


If the wrestling companies could trade player like other sports trade players among teams, what would your block buster trades be? Mines wardlow to wwe for aleister and Andrade


Instead of Roman reigns can aew get the whole KO/Roman feud. Aew can give em the entire nightmare family minus Dustin


my question is pretty simple.... what in the actual fuck is going on