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One per person and keep them short please



I wish there was another weekly show or something. I’d totally up my monthly pay. (Bet you won’t read this)


Are storylines like The hurt business, retribution, as raw underground bad ideas or good ideas just horribly performed


How long before someone tells Vince the urban dictionary definition of “Slapjack” before he changes the name ? Almost as bad as submission sorority.


Push, Fire, Bury Terrible Name Changes: Shorty G, T-Bar Mace Slapjack, Kerwin White


What do you think the tasting notes will be on the Ultimate Warrior and Undertaker wine? ‘I’m getting oak flavours mixed with cocaine and steroids’


Are you guys thinking of ending the podcast now that everything is wrong with wrestling? I certainly hope not.


Push fire bury Batman years, 89-92, 95-97 or 2016-now with Patterson Batman?( didint add Nolan cause that’s too easy!!)


Which show is cancelled first? Raw or Whats Wrong With Wrestling What I'm really asking is how much longer can you guys watch this shit?


If you had to give each of you guys Retribution names, what would they be?


You think Keith Lee might join Retribution because of his matches finishing in a no contest or DQed? He gets tired of the BS and joins them ? #RawSucks


Would you mind elaborating on why you guys dislike Sheamus so much? For me, he’s a sure fire HOF inductee. It seems that whenever he has a match, you guys are down on it. Are you just bored of him after all these years?


With the horrible names should I be worried that Mercedes and Mia might steal my name. I can hear it now, " here comes Muffy and the Beaver Slayer to attack Sasha from behind. "

Tyrone Grizz

I would like a birthday shoutout from Randy’s Savage & Orton. Please and thank you.


Do you guys recall back in may when AJ Styles was traded to Smackdown for a future consideration? Well would that make Mandy Roses move to Raw the finished trade? That’s a bad trade if so.


Do you think that if we all go and attack Raw superstars for a month, we'll get super contracts where we get to do whatever we want aswell?


would you guys like to see edge as a transitional or part time champ or u rather see orton as a long time champ?

Mike Dawes

What are ur guys thoughts on busted open radio ?


Is Retribution just a Shield -ripoff with Adam Roses' enterauge?


Worth doing a worst debuted gimmick/stable bracket, or do Retribution now have this as a lock?


Would Retribution be better off if Tommaso Ciamla showed up in a few weeks in his Mask and announced to be the leader?


Are the masks and names a way to pay off Restoration without burying Mia, Dijak and the others?


Can someone please tell me what was Samoan about the Samoan street fight please? No colorful shirts, no weird dances. I’m confused.


Get hyped for Slapjack title run or what?


PFB. The perfect reveal for retribution: All the wrestlers that they let go of during the first few weeks of the pandemic, led by Heath Slater. A bunch of wrestlers who have recently been on AEW but have not signed exclusive contracts with them yet. No reveal just stop having them show up one day.


Now that Vince finally has control over the crowd reactions, boohs and cheers in the Thunderdome, you think he will ever give it up and allow live crowd again?


We got TBar ,Mace, & slapJack..wat about Mia Yim and Mercedes Martinez? how bout Sonic & Knuckles?




I now watch you guys over watching raw. Will you guys ever wrestle each other and if so who would win? My money is on Andrew winning a TLC match.

Dhruv Doshi

Don’t watch NXT. Can you give background on the known retribution wrestlers. Also felt like Slapjack was going to be Miz


What do you think Rwy Misterios wife thinks being that all these WWE storylines imply that the Mysterio women get around?

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

Slapjack, T-Bar & Mace sound like B-List Decepticons that never got screen time because Megatron always had them out doing fake missions to keep them busy. ALSO Breaking News: Triple H, Shawn Michaels & the ghost of Dusty Rhodes have joined ALL ELITE WRESTLING.

Jason Dearham

What's with all the fuss about Dabba Kato, when r they gonna realize Raw Underground has a Concierge twice his size?!?!! #WaitAMinute


Why isn’t Brendon Vink in reteration when his buddy Shane Thorn is and what would his dumb new name be?


With retribution’s debut being such a let down and raw as a show really being one of the worst of the year, what is the one thing they need to do immediately to bounce back next week and also how big is Batista’s dick?


Electric chair. Stacey or Torrie. JOE

allen dick

Interesting to see Maury on https://images.app.goo.gl/SCRGnC39fL5UfmtB8


Retribution sounds like they're turning into a mix between The oddities and The Deciples of Apocalypse! Terrible!


I never thought there would be anything worse than when 205 Live was on Raw. Then, there was Raw Underground....


Dabba kato or however the fuck you spell it is Babatunde , he came thru a random royal rumble a few years back and WWE hasn’t been able to figure out shit with him (still haven’t based on how bad raw underground is )