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PFB Entrances: Adam Cole, Road Dogg, Ultimate Warrior


What if Adam Pearce is behind Retribution? He keeps letting them in with no consequences and now they have an MS Paint logo that the production truck happily loaded on the titantron LOL


How disappointed were you all when you tuned into Raw and heard the voice of Michael Cole welcoming you?


If you could add yourself to any match in WWE history and win it, what match would you choose?


Fuck a question. Go Google Mandy Leon from ROH


Push, Fire, Bury Possible Members of Resolution, I mean, Retribution: Dijakovic, Kona Reeves, Dio Madden


Tom Phillips walks in to his girlfriend cheating on him. “Wait a minute, is that - finish the sentence


All cinematic matches, All Raw Underground matches, or All 10 team tag matches?


Johnny Sins walks into the IIconics locker room as Adam Pearce: "Billie and Payton, it is too bad you can no longer be a tag team but I have a way you can still work together..." He then pulls out his cock and they both stand in shocked amazement at his dick. You're welcome Brazzers.

Tyrone Grizz

Is it weird that I didnt notice Michael Cole on RAW til about 2.5 hours in?


Push, fire and bury a return for a full time main event run: Big Show, Kane and The Undertaker.


please stop the PFB questions. I'm afraid they'll shut down the podcast if we keep this up.


If you had demote a main eventer to preshow and push a low carder to Main Event Wrestlemania who would it be? It has to be a main eventer you like.


Kvetch is the Yiddish word for complain. As in this new tagline I wrote for the show. “Three schmucks watch four shitty wrestling shows a week, and then Kvetch about it.”


WWE left the Retribution angles off the trimmed Hulu version for consecutive weeks now. You guys think Vince is getting tired of the group that is known by the name of Retribution?


Push, Fire, Bury: creative oversells edition. Nash vs Hogan’s “Fingerpoke of Doom”, Michaels vs Hogan at 2005’s Summerslam, or any of the “Flair Flops”?


Push fire bury bracket to do Wresltemainia Taking the piss of Eric (from worst promo bracket) Best wrestling match


Do you think the storyline with Otis is being set up to take the briefcase off him and give it to either John Morrison or the Miz? Who would you prefer had the briefcase out of those 3?


Which would you rather see the Roman Reigns storyline going, him running through the whole Samoan family leading up to a match against the Rock or fighting his cousin being a swerve to set up a heel Samoan stable?


Who do you guys think is Roman's opponent at Mania? Surely not Brock again...


So....did MVP not retire...?


Who’s better at acting like they are talking on their phone when it ls obviously off, Kurt Angle or Drew McIntrye?


Boy I can't wait for survivor series which is the ONE TIME A YEAR raw and smackdown compete against each other.

Jason Dearham

Who'll face Reigns at WM?? 1. A more serious Big E after winning the Rumble 2. A babyface Lesnar or... 3. A Triple threat featuring these guys? I think the Sheamus beat down of Big E is the start of a more serious character for him.


Where were you guys during 9/11 ment to ask this last year when the podcast was on 9/11


How dare they trot out the same fucking street profit, Garza almas match?!? Then they have the fucking audacity to do the same story line again, and again and again!!

Michael Cole

Can drunk Ric Flair try to convince Vince he can do one more match?


Is this the worst era of wrestling in history?


Give me a lingerie football team from the wwe women's division? Go !


With your Patreon draft coming up, can we expect appearances from Joe Buck, Terry Bradshaw and the NFL on FOX robot, like WWE had for their draft ?


When I put Raw on for the first time in months I heard Michael Cole say ‘I’ve watched his career for 20 years’, I thought that’s19 years of Cole to many... I don’t have a question I’ve just stopped watching again!