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One per person and keep them short please



What’s happened to Liv Morgan. Any integrity she was trying to gain is gone. Coming out to Ruby Riotts music again, pointless tag matches and her tights are covering more of her ass. She was never getting a push was she?


Horse shit.


So since they spoiled the surprise of Keith Lee’s call up, ruined his theme song, and had his first match be a loss... over/under 4 months until he has a dancing gimmick and is facing Riddick Moss on Main Event ?


Nia Jax looked like everyone at planet fitness the day after New Years.


Push..fire..bury joe impressions Donald trump Macho man Jessie the mind


Yo what did you guys and papa Pisano think about the new Batman Trailer??


Push, Fire, Bury Terrible Entrance Themes: Brie Mode, Keith Lee’s new theme, or Right to Censor


Have you checked out all the new trailers from the "DC Fandome" online event?


Would you have sex with every male on the roster, if it meant you could have sex with all the females afterwards?

Jason Dearham

15 Years ago Dominick debuted in WWE in the Eddy/Rey feud to determine who was his real father, my question is.... Did we all just overlook the fact that Rey's wife fucked Eddy Guerrero?? P.S. Bayley and Seth Rollins themes sound almost identical at the start.


Is the Blade just the results of Big Poppa Pump NOT taking a shit ton of steroids?


Can we get a recap of the August 29, 2016 of Monday Night Raw for Eric’s birthday, back when Monday Night Raw made somewhat sense? Also Happy Birthday Slamlinton honored to share a birthday with you.


Would you do a Old School TNA PPV Recap? Be great to here your thoughts and insight. My opinion, they are greatly underrated and before it’s time Destination X 2012 AJ vs Daniels Samoa Joe vs an active Kurt Angle Roode vs Aries


You get a cushy job 4 life with the WWE they met all of your demands but you have to do one thing Kiss Vince’s ass once a month (even when he passes) Tattoo big dog as a tramp stamp Fight Brock for 1 min


Push / Fire / Bury : changing history Stop WCW from going bankrupt Stop the end of streak Stop Shawn from going to Saudi Arabia


Why does Vince just have to ruin call ups? Just why? Also y’all stay safe from hurricane Laura. Looks like it’s gonna hit us pretty good

Mike Dawes

Does pat McAfee have potential to be a very poor mans MJF?


With all the controversial stuff going on in the Thunder Done like the KKK, Benoit, fire Dream, etc. How long do you think it lasts until WWE overhauls it or scraps it all together?


Push / Fire / Bury/ put in hall of fame The Big Dog (Roman Reigns) The Big Guy (Ryback) The Big Show The Big Valbowski


Would you rather not be able to rewatch any wrestling after it airs ever again, or have to recap even more shows than you already do?


How many power slams + spears will the fiend kick out of? My guess is 20 collectively between the two


Hypothetical Vince situation...It’s 1999, Wrestlemania main event, The Rock v Stone Cold v Undertaker...All three want a different finish, who’s Vince listen to


Just An explanation as to why if Retribution’s deal is to disrupt the WWE why did they leave the PPV alone?

allen dick

How many times did they show Orton missing his “field goal” kick on McIntyres head in back? I lost count.

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

How long until we see a RAW Underground championship debut and why will it look better than all of WWEs current belts? Oh and has everyone forgotten that Shayna Baszler is a vampire?


Push Fire Bury most like to have been disguised as Roman Reigns at Summerslam: Gary Busey, Kevin Dunn, Adam Pages horse


Who has more charisma? Baron corbin or a block of WOOD?


Now that Roman Reigns is back and immediately getting a title shot and possibly winning, how long until the crowd turns on him again? Also related do you think it hurts the Fiend winning the title only to what looks like losing it a week later? Why even put it on him since it looks like Braun is going to take the pin in that match?


What is wrong with wrestling?


Chances Roman heel turn is legit? My money is he will come out smiling as a face acting like a doofus with those new teeth because this is his yard. Woof


When are you going to do a recap of another raw from the attitude erA?


How about that Batman trailer? You think it could be better than the Dark Knight?


Special mention to Tom Phillips for worst comment: "we're not done yet" 13 and a half minutes into raw.


Piped in crowd noise was way to fucking loud!


Am I the only one that thinks Roman’s teeth looked fake or am I crazy?


You boys listen to "Cum Town"? If not you should. https://cum.town/collections/new-shirts/products/ctwnrtb0bl-ts


Would you guys ever consider filming funny skits for YouTube or Patreon with the characters you imitate like flair, HBK and Saudi’s?


Would you be interested in a the WWE 2021 paper view ‘Money plane in the bank’? Watching Corbin throw Mysterio n black off a plane? Opening the door to find a superstar fucking an alligator? Someone falling off a ladder and chopping there arm off? Money plane