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We have a new website design that hasn't been released yet and I want your opinions!  Let me know what you use the current website for.  Do you use it just to listen or watch the latest episodes?  Do you use it to navigate through the Patreon episodes?  Do you not use the website at all?  Also, let me know what you think of the potential new website design.  It's a lot more simplistic and it doesn't have Patreon bonus episodes on it, but it does have a link to Patreon.  

This is the new design for the website. https://www.podpage.com/site/whats-wrong-with-wrestling-wwe-recap-show/ 

This won't be the URL.  Once the website is transferred over it will still be WhatsWrongWithWrestling.com

Thanks and please post your opinions in the comments section below!



I Enjoy Going Back To Older Episodes & PPV Reviews Sometimes The Website You Have Now Makes It A Bit Easier But That Could Just Be Me.


Will there be a way to search for audio format only?


Awesome especially the searching for eps


Looks great!


I always use the current website for the brackets and older patreon recaps. Way easier to use than the patreon app. I’m digging the new website design


Love it!! It’s easy I find episodes. Leave previews for the Wednesday Night War, bracket, movies, and retro RAWs on patreon from now on.


I use the website/app to listen to episodes and watch episodes. By far my favorite show to watch and listen to. I think you guys so much from the bottom of my heart that y’all sacrifice yourself each and every week so I don’t have to watch a shitty product.

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

I use the website for searching and watching the bonus Patreon shows like movie reviews, brackets and PPV recaps. The new look is nice. And the search feature was easier to navigate than the Patreon App. It would be nice if y’all could make playlists for the video recaps. Like by year or category’s.

Glen Michael Dolan

Looks great! I do like using the website for finding brackets etc but typically it's not too bad to find them on patreon so I'm all over this


I never really ever went on the website. I’ve have always just used Patreon or the Apple podcast app. I like the new design. It’s looks slick and very modern. Definitely an upgrade from the previous design (sorry Andrew).


I have never used the website but that might be because I didn’t think it was needed but I do like this new version

Rebecca Young

I like it! WAY cleaner design than the previous version. Great job!


Thanks! It's not really possible to put the patreon episode links on the new website so they won't be there if we go with this site.


Yes Andrew!! I’m fine. Leave previews like the Extreme Rules episode. It’s entices people to get Patreon. And focus on promoting the website too.

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

When I click View all Episodes that gives me a search bar at the top on the list of shows. As I type in any work it automatically brings up any episode titles with whatever words I type without even having to finish. So that’s a great addition.

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

I think either ones would be good. I know some fans probably binge listen to the older shows and it makes it easier when there are play list to save from having to click next shows themselves.


The free episodes will have the YouTube links attached to every episode. I just have to add the links. I've added them to the last 5 or 6 episodes so far. However, this website doesn't have a lot of customization options so creating a playlist for the Patreon episodes right now isn't really possible. I mean I tried but it looks horrible.

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

Having the links for YouTube is good. If it’s not possible to do playlist with the free shows that’s something that might be good to try down the road.


I could make a playlist on YouTube if that's what you mean. But I dont think I can make a video playlist on the website right now.


Way easier to work on. The only thing i can think about is the once you pause, or stop watching, will it pick up where you left off?


I don’t use the website or Patreon at all since I set up the RSS feed link to Apple podcasts. Only time I have used the website is the track down old brackets


I have the rss in the podcast app. I dont really watch the videos or visit the website.

Doctor Tots

This is much better!


Nice redesign- Not sure what drives people to your website, podcast apps are the direct connection to the show. If your able to expand your website audience through greater interaction with your fans, on the sight, it would be key in expanding your website popularity.