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Who’s your money on in the Champ v Champ match up? Time for Balor?

Mike Dawes

Did u guys hear Mauro call Escobars group of 3 a FACTION ?!? Also do u think Mauro says “nailed it “ to himself after his pop culture lines ?


Is it wrong that Abadon is strangely sexy?


Pick one: Abadon’s face in the dark corner of your room at midnight every night. Or QT Marshall approaches you acting like an old friend from high school every time you go out.


Has anyone gone from “boring and uninteresting” to “don’t wanna miss what he does next” faster than Dexter Lumis has?


What exactly does the bell clap do to hurt anyone? Can you please demonstrate on Josh if he can’t spell “Demonstration”


What would you rather face? 10 Keith Lee sized nia jax’.... or 10 nia Jax sized Keith Lees?


who do u guys think Moxly will drop the title to? I think Jericho will probably get it back again


Push fire bury, actor with big ass ears, John keansinski Jon bernthal adam driver


Push,fire,bury sasha with nia's booty, zelena with awesome kongs booty or bliss with nyla rose booty lol thanks guy love all the show keep up the GREAT WORK


What’s the point of announcing a “non-AEW” wrestler will be challenging for the TNT title and then immediately signing them?!


What in the floating faygo fuck is an Abadon? Is Tony Khan just a rich ass juggalo?


Do you think when Cody wants to be a tag team champion that AEW will create him his own set of tag team belts too?


Is there a worse nickname in the history of mankind than ‘Thicc Boi’?


Is it just me or does Josh remind you of an illiterate Kerwin White? Also, have Josh spell illiterate. 😂

Joel Hanson

Push, fire, bury...Abadons head on Sasha Banks body, Sasha Banks head on Abadons body, or Nyla Rose taking Josh from behind.


If you guys were running AEW, and could each pick one guy to book differently, who would you pick and what would you do to build them into a bigger star ?

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

We know Josh is hit or miss with spelling. How would he do with a tongue twister? Tooting Tutors: A tutor who tooted a flute Tried to tutor two tooters to toot. Said the two to their tutor, “Is it harder to toot or To tutor two tooters to toot?

Jason Dearham

Did they make Bronson Reed grow a beard cos he looked too much like Nia Jax without it??

Superficial Blackberry

You guys definitely need to redo the best looking women's bracket now that abadon is in the picture