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Which new AEW wrestler (not from WWE) has impressed you the most since Dynamite started?

Kevin Kee

Now that we think Ciampa is done after being squashed ... what do you want him to do on Raw first? I say pole vault...


PFB Movies for Robert Stone to steal a line from next: Step Brothers, Waterboy, Happy Gilmore


Push, Fire, Bury up and coming Tag Teams: Private Party, those Malcom Bevins guys, Brothers of Bash


Is Josh smarter than a 5th Grader? Marshall Mathers Slim Shady Eminem Dennis Rodman


Y’all watching the PS5 reveal and stuff??


If Scarlett Bordeaux was on Raw every week, would she beat out Selina Vega for best dress every week?


Why would Balor give a fuck about the North American title?!


What exactly has Malcolm Bivens been feeding the Singh Brothers?


Who would you rather see on AEW: The Bludgeon Brothers reunion or a reunion of Swagger and Cesaro?

Jack Bruffell

Which would you rather take? X Pac's Broncho Buster, Rikishi's Stinkface or Keith Lee's BBC


I’m liking Dexter Lumis but has anyone ever won a match with a Spinebuster?

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

If Vince was gone and Triple H took over, would he be open to the concept of doing a cross company show or storyline with NXT/AEW where both companies benefit from the exposure and publicity.


If you guys had a triple threat match against each other what kind of match would it be and witch current wrestler would you guys choose as the guest referee


So after the “reveal” of Mendoza and Wilde being the masked kidnappers, who were the two assholes that first captured Mendoza? Did they leave this stable and join Lars Sullivan’s off screen stable?


so with Prichard being in charge of Raw now ,, you guys think Raw will turn into a smackdown shit show too? I'm pretty sure Heyman didn't have much creative control anyway

Jason Dearham

How long til Santana & Ortiz are kicked out of Inner Circle and replaced by FTR?


Why does AEW focus the cameras attention ringside on Billy Gunn and his Dufus kids when Anna Jay is three feet to the left?