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Top 11 get read on the show tonight!  Please only send one per person!  Go!



McMahon, Did you know the Monday night messiah Seth Rollins is actually a direct descendant from Jesus Christ? His Jewish mother was actually impregnated after being stolen and probed from a New York apartment building by an alien who has an obsession with cross fit.


Donald Trump is actually a storyline written by WWE creative and he's going to make a face turn at Wrestlemania by beating Seth Rollins


Roman Reigns is not being mentioned on TV because he is being prepared for the biggest push of his career, to bring legitimacy to the 24/7 championship.


You know McMahon, Covid19 didn't come from eating a raw bat. It was started when Roman Reigns kept jacking off his hand in the ring. Now he's afraid that if he wrestles again it will spread it even worse.


Did you know Nia Jax IS actually like most girls


Donald Trump stance on the racism and riots situation is secretly only to put pressure on WWE and Vince McMahon to make Bobby Lashley champion and great again?


Otis will throw Tucker through a barber shop window, becoming WWE's new "sexy boy" with Mandy Rose as his Sensational Sherri.


Hulk Hogan should have never lost to the Ultimate Warrior at Wrestlemania 6. Hulk was supposed to kick out at 2 and half but he hadn’t taken his vitamins or said his prayers, so God held him down to the canvas for the 3 count. I guess you could say God screwed Hulk


Did you know that Nia Jax, Raquel Gonzalez, Nyla Rose and Josh are all the same person. That’s why Josh loves them so much.

Harpoon Fingerfuck

Did you know McMahon is well aware of how dangerous nia Jax is? He keeps her on TV to tarnish the Rocks family name cause he’s still pissed that Dwayne left to become a movie star. He plans to keep her on TV till she just flat out kills someone


Andrew actually is Right all the time and the only reason he’s wrong on predicting matches is because WWE listens to the podcast and makes the necessary changes to keep him from being 100% every time.


Joe was never at the wrestlemania where the Hardy boys returned even though every time the hardy return is brought up he states that he was there


McMahon had a wet dream about Otis and that is the reason he’s getting pushed. McMahon will soon give Otis the title and have him replace Roman as the new face of the company, you bastard McMahon.


Is Josh really the illegitimate son of Conrad Thompson and Guy Fieri?


Shane Thorne and Brendan Vink are still going to live events getting ready for their match against Cedric Alexander and Ricochet


Did you know Vince McMahon whored out Mandy Rose, Alexa Bliss, Zelina Vega and the Iconics to top Florida Politicians in order to be deemed an essential business?


Did you know Vince McMahon actually controls Jaxson Ryker’s Facebook account


Did you know Owen Hart isn’t really dead? It’s all a master swerve from Vince McMahon to unveil him at the 2021 Royal Rumble as entrant number 30.


Jesse, do you actually think that Hulk was just the right guy, at the right place, at the wrong, at the right time? Let me say it just one more time so you completely understand Ventura. Do you actually believe in your mind, if you actually think Hulk was just the right gay guy, at the right place, at the right time?


Vince McMahon has been systematically killing off all the Wrestlers that fucked Stephanie McMahon...Macho Man, Owen, Luger, Chyna, Ultimate Warrior, ect....

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

You know how we never see Nia & Nyla in the same place together? That’s because Nia Jax is actually Nayla Rose’s secret identity and he/she has been sent to WWE To one by one eliminate the women’s division.


Vince drops first names because he can then own multiple naming rights for when they move onto another brand


Vince like Ra's al Ghul from Batman is immortal. But unlike Ra's al Ghul , Vince most feed on souls the of wrestlers. So he created the Undertaker to retrieve these souls.


Do you know the real reason Mcmahon keeps MVP around? He’s going to make him the face of the XFL 3.0. VIP Lounge at every game and MVP can sub in at any time. The tag line has already leaked: the XFL is straight ballin’