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Is josh smarter than a 1st grader? Kane Undertaker Bayley Otis


When does the FTR and Young Bucks AX throwing contest happen ? Thats how tag team wrestling works these days right ?


Push, Fire, Bury: Jungle Boy beats Cody, Velveteen Dream beats Adam Cole, Johnny Gargano beats Keith Lee


It’s my birthday tomorrow Can I get a birthday shout, oh wait you guys don’t do birthday shout outs anymore so never mind.


Will Charlotte lose the NXT title only to be given the Raw championship? If so, how long before it happens?


Who would you guys give a one year main title run to: papa shango, doink the clown or Kamala?


Can Josh use his massive vocabulary to explain what it felt like to win the strap?


Do you guys think that the feud between the Viking raiders and the street profits will eventually end at next years olympics for the tag titles?


Push fire bury...stop one of these from happening.. . Shawn Michaels at crown Jewel Brett Favre on the Jets Jordan on the Wizards?


As a alternative to fuck marry kill. As josh has finally watched borat, out of nia jaxx, Raquel Gonzales and bayley which one would he make my wife, she’s very nice or would keep alive...... NOT


Since it is now CONFIRMED that WWE watches the podcast, can you guys just start planning out the shows for them a week ahead of time so we can actually have something good to watch?


Was it just me or did it seem that Mike Tyson was drunk?


Push, fire, bury these NXT performers you would want to see as comedy jobbers getting squashed by someone like Sheamus or Lashley on the main roster: Matt Riddle, Keith Lee, Velveteen Dream.


Not a question but a suggestion. Josh should have defend his strap weekly by correctly spelling a wrestlers name.

Jason Dearham

When they first came to Vince with the idea of mixed tag teams, do u think his first thought was, one white guy and one black guy?


How hard was Josh during the Blackheart Gonzalez match and did he finish when “Chauncey” almost broke her neck


With the rumor is Riddle bumping up to the main roster. Who would you like to see him feud with first?


I hear what you guys are saying lately and trust me, I know Jericho is the GOAT but I can't keep giving wins every week to AEW when almost all of the 'worst' categories are going to their show. They are literally doing 'what is wrong with wrestling' every week. Am I crazy?


Push, fire, bury, Basketball, Fantasy Football, and porn.


When all of the AEW guys stand around with their arms in the air, waiting to catch someone that’s about to dive at them, is anyone else reminded of cheerleaders trying to catch the cheerleader that they just threw into the air?


Are you guys still going to review Wrestlemania 30? JKJK not wrestling related just curious how did you guys become NY fans (sports teams) but are in Texas?