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One per person and keep them short please!



Fuck marry kill, 02 Trish, Mandy and Alexa? Good luck lol


Should anyone care who wins the women's money in the bank match?


Are you guys still gonna review wrestlemania 30?


Who do you want to win MITB and who do you want them to cash in on? I’d like to see AJ cash in on Cole at the first NXT show or takeover with a crowd


Triple H looks like Jeff bridges in Iron Man 1


What reason will the dark side of wrestling find for the epic killing of Ricochet and Cedric? Such a waste of talent


If Roman is actually getting punished or buried, will that make up for the 5 years of more deserving wrestlers being held back ?


What’s been your favorite moment while recording the podcast these last few years? (Not WWE related)


Member when Ricochet was announced to be in action in two weeks time, and we usually anticipated it with a smile? Man...


With Avengers:Endgame audience reaction going viral, what was your theater experience like during the final battle?


Should Ted Diabiase have taken Saudi money instead of Mississippi money? Everybody's gotta price, including Brett Favre.


Push, Fire, Bury Money in the Back: Someone gets thrown from the roof, Vince gets thrown down an elevator shaft, Someone climbs across one of the cranes


Lets pretend Disney buys WWE. Later at Disneyland there is a disney Princess battle Royale . Elsa vs Snow White vs Arielle vs Tiana. Who would you cast from the current roster ? 😂😆


Do you think there is a chance that raw & smackdown are still live on air just so they can still say it’s the longest running episodic show in Television history?


Is Roman Reigns getting borderline Benoit treatment with how they edit him out of the Seth Mania 31 cash in?


Will Nia Jax fall off WWE HQ King Kong style

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

Assign one to each: Which entrance theme song each would you pick to serenade each of these women ALEXA, ZELINA & SASHA. HBK Sexy Boy SUNNY’s I KNOW YOU WANT ME? Billy & Chuck You Look So Good to Me

Snake Plisskin

Push, Fire, Bury: The Rock in The Other Guys, John Cena in Trainwreck, Kevin Nash in Longest Yard.


Did you see the new Assassin’s Creed. You play as one of the Viking Raiders!


Is it fair to have Pet Cemetery version of AJ styles compete in matches? And did he sacrifice Luke gallows and Karl Anderson to come back ?


I know usually NXT wrestlers don’t get a good main roster push but I’ll be damned if they haven’t booked that Charlotte Flair strong. Guess we can’t complain about main roster call ups anymore..


Where's edge???