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Donald Alexander

II now realize all the fuss made about Alexa Bliss…Have y’all seem her on Youtube’s Entrance Evolution ?…also what did y’all think about MJF on Impractical Jokers?


You three may have talked about it before, but just throwing it out…. What if WWE did Vince vs Trips with both men picking a superstar to represent them and the winner becoming the head honcho of the business? Thoughts? And who do you think they’d select?

Jason Dearham

How do u open videos since the update??

Mark Horsefield

Its completely different on a phone?

Christopher Greenhill

Shame the phone app dosn't work as well. But thank you for the pinned video it does help.

Donald Alexander

If each of you could bring back any 2 Wrestlers to the WWE that were released in the last 5 yrs ,who would they be?….I say Enzo and Samoa Joe