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Push, Fire, Bury Dream Matches: Moxley vs Havoc, Jericho vs Vangard 1, The Young Bucks vs The Hardy Boyz


Would you rather take? Shane McMahon spot at WM32 jump off the hell in a cell on to a table or take a top rope powerbomb on to thumbtacks scattered all across the ring?


If someone from WWE gets ill from the Coronavirus and unfortunately passes away, is that the last straw for Vince being in charge?


Fuck marry wrestle, Charlotte Ripley ronda


Which 3 NXT Stars should make the move to the main roster?


“Fuck, kill or marry” or as I like to say “panties off, head off or Mazel Tov”? Renee Young’s face with Moxley’s body, Candace LaRae’s face with Gargano’s body or Peyton Royce’s face with Tye Dillinger’s body.

JJ, Not the Jet Plane

Pop quiz for the guys not reading the question: when was the last time a double turn happened in wrestling? Answer (check me if I’m wrong): Enzo/Neville, Raw 9/25/17


If curing the world of coranavirus could be accomplished by you sensually making out with either Johnny Gargano, Mr Weegle, or the Velveteen Dream, who would you pick and why?


Are you as disappointed as I that so far this Brodie Lee character seems to be just a way to take shots at Vince McMahon? How long do you think he remains the exalted one of the dark order until he becomes the higher power of the Corporate Order?


Not wrestling related but have u guys been keeping up with Walking Dead at all? They're finally pushing Negan more as a main character again, just sucks the season finale wasn't finished before Corona lockdown and can't be aired next weekend🤬


Dexter Lumis? Dexter morgan/Dr Lumis from Halloween? Why don’t they save some time and just call him “serial killer”


Isn't tossing midgets (sorry little people) suppose to be a no go? Still best use for Marco


New here. Never watched a AEW episode, as a fan of old WWE, Ruthless Aggression era, should I watch AEW? How good is AEW comparing with current WWE?


Arn Anderson, Jake The Snake, Tully Blanchard, Rock N Roll Express Does Cody think he's a legend like these guys to keep booking himself around them?

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

FUCK MARRY KILL: Hornswoggle sized Nia Jax Andre the giant sized Alexa Bliss Zelina Vegas body with Del Rios Head


Now that Brandi Rhodes is a manager is she the unofficial Roman reins of AEW? Just forcing her down our throats


Who’s next to go after Kieth Lee’s NA Title ?


Does Vanguard turn heel or does Jericho get his own drone?


Do you guys think that Brodie Lee might be starting to over do the mock Vince segments? I think just doing it once would’ve been enough


Has Chris Jericho hit Stone Cold levels of, having to tune in every week to see what he does next ?


Will @annajayy_ be included on the 2020 hottest female bracket?