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AEW Revolution 2020 Recap



Bring back the smackdown show. Take a break after wrestlemania. You guys work super hard to produce all the content you do and we really appreciate it. However the Cena, Fiend fued could be epic and we need your guys takes in full. Even if Joe really stopped watching 🤣


Gargano Cole Ciampa all kick out of everything. Omega Page and Bucks are all on that same level of talent. I don’t think getting upset over the kick outs in matches makes sense anymore. Now that’s basically what everyone does. The crowds eat it up so they’ll keep doing it


I hate to say it but the AEW recaps have been getting much harder to listen to recently. Wayyy too critical on what was an awesome show. I agree that the women’s match was slow and a bit messy but Statlander had the flu earlier in the week and it followed Bucks V Page/Omega and that could have factored into the outcome. I was there live and the crowd was hot...everyone loved the show if I had to guess


Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Take them for what they’re worth. That is better than any WWE Main roster pay per view that I can remember since mania 30. Also completely agree with you the women’s match wasn’t great but following the tag match didn’t do them any favors either.