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Shockmaster is of course the worst but I can't believe you guys made such a big deal about the Booker T promo. When has it ever been offensive for a Black person to use the N word? I thought it was generally accepted that they're the only ones that can use it. Even in overly sensitive 2019 no one is offended by that. Now in terms of a PG rating, yeah it's a curse word, but it's not so offensive that it should make it to the final 4. I mean, if a White guy said it with a hard R, sure, of course, that'd be deeply offensive, but this was Booker T. If anything the already good promo was even better with it. I thought it was fucking hilarious. It wasn't even out of character. And it was all the more poignant because he called Hogan that. If it happened in AEW we'd love it.


It's still a word you can't say on TV. Plus, it's one of the most famous botch's ever. Even Booker T put his hands on his face because he realized he messed up.


I wouldn't even really count it as a botch. It shouldn't have even been on the list. A botch would be a mess-up. He didn't really mess-up the promo. He just adlibbed a curse word at the end. Tons of wrestlers throughout history, including Austin, added a curse word for emphasis and we don't consider those botches.


29 minutes in still waiting for some Scott Steiner Maths