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Matt Judd

We know WWE will just have Lars win the Andre the giant battle royal and then become a jobber but how would you book him on the main roster?


When Roderick Strong starts talking again, can we get from Josh on the podcast again?

Gaberiel Ballin

How likely is it before it is over that we will see the Dean/Seth feud involve a marriage counseling segment with Renee involved?

Chris Chubb

As much as I would like the undisputed era to stay in nxt I’m sure they will be called up in 2019. How would you do it? I would love them to come up to help Kevin Owens and run RAW


Who do you think will have the next big heel/face turn?

Danny Fischer

Push/Fire/Bury....Alexa/Bayley “This is your life” segment, Bayley/Sasha “Q&A” segment and the upcoming Nia/Ronda “press conference”

Danny Fischer

Also, can you make a “Pizza?!?” Shirt?


Who should fight Ricochet for the title at Takeover?


Punishment Martinez. Bad Ass Name or just another Jobber?

Steve “The Don” Vellante

Would you guys agree that if the undisputed era were to debut in 2019, it will be at WresltleMania? shock the system.