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I think Andrew has mentioned the League of Their Own quote before so I think Josh must have subconsciously remembered it.


Keith’s debut was pretty bad, I liked him on the indies but they need to really work in his character now he’s on mainstream. I can see a new dancing dinosaur if he doesn’t get something good

Gaberiel Ballin

The Rock & Mankind I Quit Match was at Royal Rumble 1999. They had a last man standing match at In Your House St Valentines Day Massacre. And the forklift you mentioned was used in the Empty Arena match that aired on Sunday night Heat during the halftime of the SuperBowl which they called HALF TIME HEAT. The forklift lowered a pallet onto the Rock and allowed Mankind to get the pin and win his 2nd WWF TITLE.


Personally thought Keith Lee looked charismatic and pretty athletic for a big man, but I did only watch the recap video not the actual segment, so can’t really say much.


This got weird fast