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Who are you more excited about going forward for this year? Ricochet, EC3, or Adam Cole...are any of them the NXT champion before the end of 2018?


For Josh, thoughts on little Cesar's is giving out a free lunch on April 2nd. Also, would you rather suck Nia jaxs toes after a match or lick her armpit after a match?

El Juanisimo

How would you guys book Almas when he goes to the main roster


Question for Andrew: How does your family feel about the podcast. Aside from the part-timer Joe, who cares what that BASSSSSStard thinks. #pushJosh


I was at the MSG Live show last night and people were chanting Rusev Day all night. Do you agree WWE has to give Rusev a big role at WrestleMania? If not a big match then at least as host like the new day did last year #HappyReecevDay!


Do you think The Velveteen dream is going to end up being managed on the main roster by Titus Oneil in a leather daddy outfit?


What do you think about the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal being for a title shot the next night on raw? It would both give the match more meaning and be something exciting for the next night. (Also I will bet anything that Josh will say the name of the battle royal wrong at least once when answering this question.)


Will josh grow the moustache back please- so much more handsome x


What to do with Roddy... Lisp aside, this guy only has great matches (if you didn't see 205 Live this week against Cedric Alexander, it's worth a watch) but he always loses. You see him as an enhancement guy from here on out, or is there anything that could happen to make him one of "Vince's Boy's" and get him over as a top guy, like he was in Ring of Honor?


1. Adam Cole (Baybay) 2. Ricochet 3. EC3 Hoping Adam Cole can take it to the next level this year and hold the title by end of year. Almas to Black to Cole...