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Hello everyone, I decided to share a small picture with you.

Also recently, I have been sent a lot of personal messages, on the one hand I am very happy, this means that the game is becoming more popular, I am grateful to you for feedback and various suggestions on how to make the game better, but on the other hand, the vast majority of these messages contain something like "How do I open this picture?" I'm stuck, how do I get through?"When will the new update be released?" and everything like that. So that's what I'm all about, guys, before you ask such a question, please make sure that there is no answer to it in our discord channel in the #faq-witch_hunter section, because the vast majority of your questions have answers there.I ask you to ask the remaining questions in the same discord in the #ask_us section, perhaps others will be able to answer you much faster. If I answered every question of this kind in a private message, I would spend a lot of time that I could spend on developing a game, therefore, do not be offended if messages of this kind are ignored.

Thank you for your understanding

Всем привет, решил поделиться с вами небольшой картинкой.

Также в последнее время мне стали присылать Очень много личных сообщений, с одной стороны я очень рад, это означает что игра становится более популярна, я благодарен вам за фидбек и разлчные пожаления как сделать игру лучше, но с другой стороны подавляющая часть этих сообзщений содержит чтото вроде "Как мне открыть эту картинку?" Я застрял, Как мне пройти дальше?"Когда выйдет новое обновление?" и все в таком роде. Так вот , к чему я это всё, ребята, прежде чем задать подобный вопрос пожалуйста, убедитесь что ответа на него нет в нашем дискорд канале в разделе #faq-witch_hunter , потому что на подавляющие большинство ваших вопросов там есть ответы.Оставшиеся же вопросы прошу задавать в том же дискорде в разделе #ask_us, возможно другие смогут ответить вам на много быстрее. Если бы я отвечал на каждый вопрос такого рода в личное сообщения я бы тратил очень много времени которое мог бы потратить на разработку игры, поэтому не обижайтесь если сообщения подобного рода будут проигнорированы.

Благодарю за понимание



Steven W.

What a fantastic update 0.17 is! My sincere congratulations to you and your writer both! You are creating the definitive "dark path" WITCH story here, which will stand for all time. Cedric hast just enough humanity in him so that the player doesn't hate him (nobody could relate to a pure psychopath).

Steven W.

There are so many things I could give positive feedback for and I've also enjoyed that you took my criticism about the timing of Cornelia's abduction - she disappears in the dungeon very early in the game and her friends don't ever wonder where she is - and used it as an argument for Cedric to break Cornelia: "Your friends and family didn't even look for you." Very good, such a strong line. And I hope to see more of Hay Lin soon. The characters were broken in a believable way, except maybe for Will: I am not convinced about her. How Will says in the last scene that she doesn't care about anybody and she just wants to have sex. It was said in an earlier update that the potion would not turn her into a mindless zombie and that she would keep her rationality ... but I don't see her rationality anymore. I don't like the reasoning "it makes me feel good ... the rest doesn't matter". Weak logic. Will has deep compassion for other people and it goes too much against her character to completely throw that away. This could have been done better - for example, after the shock that Rick is Cedric, Will could have decided that she can't do anything at the moment (it's already too late), but maybe through becoming his "queen" she could do something in the future, so the motivation for the sex would have been a combination of both sexual desire and strategy. Will already had her lowest point in the story - when she was on the toilet with Cedric and refused to help her friends. How low she had fallen then! Now she needs to climb up again and win some power back, otherwise there is no development any more.