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 Hello everyone, here's some bit of news as usual. At the moment I've drawn some of the scenes with Susan but unfortunately I can not show them to you, as it can ruin the impression of the game. I also plan to add a gambling mini game with which you can earn gold in Meridian (it will also be necessary for the plot of the game), I think we will start programming the mini game this weekend if possible. In the near future, I will try to show you all its interface.  I would like to thank you all once again for your support. And the amount of money I receive is already over $ 1000 and it's amazing how far I've come! Now I can post a lot more time for the game, and release updates more often. Thanks a lot, everyone!

how do you think whose room is in the picture?




Art! 😍


Great! Is that Elyon's room?


man can't wait for the continue of the game <3


>add a gambling mini game 1) It's renpai - thus, save-load and legal cheating incide of the game. 2) Always hated such gambling games in the visual novels. Time consuming (both from the creator and players) and no plot/entertaining sense. After all, if I would like to play poker, I would open poker simulator. Why even bother?


1) if a player wants to get money with cheats, he will find a way and without gambling 2) gambling is necessary for the plot, plus adds diversity to the game


Пожалуйста можно публиковать новости на русском языке тоже, многие будут очень благодарны. Вопросик, что сделать чтобы Элион переехала в мой дом


Насчет новостей, ладно. Чтобы Элион переехал домой нужно испортить ее репутацию распространяю слухи в школе с помощью рыжих сестер. после поговорить с Элион, та расскажет про то что собирается пойти в кино с Корнелией, скипаеш несколько дней, сражаешься с Корнелией, говоришь сЭлион через день, все


And what the fuck just happened about the blocking of the page?