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 Hi guys, actually added a new award for $ 50 patrons. 

For each month pledged on this level, you get 1 character from the series in 1 picture that will appear in-game in the Porno Mag along with the name of the person who requested it. If you have had pledged on this level for 2 months straight without asking for a picture yet, you can then add 1 extra character from that series into a single page or put the characters into 2 separate pages in the Porno Mag, and so on. ((1 Month = 1 Character, 1 Page) (2 Months = 2 Characters in 1 page or 1 Character in 2 separate pages.) (3 Months = 3 Characters in 1 page or 1 Character in 3 separate pages or 2 Characters in 1 page & 1 Character in the 2nd page.))                - You can request 1 picture of whatever character(s) in whatever position or fetish of your choosing which will be drawn and placed within the Porno Mag in-game.  The only rule, you can't use the characters involved in the plot of the game          

Soon the game news and public release 0.2.1.

Thank you for attention




Damn man, that's nice. Very good idea for the magazine, Just be sure not to make too much work for yourself.


"The only rule, you can't use the characters involved in the plot of the game" Oooh, so that's what you meant by the rule...


How will we know which characters won't be involved in the plot?


Those of which are nowhere in the plot (and of course everyone's witch), you can also use absolutely any characters from other universes or original characters


Thank.) Well, so as not to overextend and all in time, I limited the number of slots just in case


Ah okay, I tought the characters had to be from WITCH.


Could I request a sexy image of blunk? :D


So basically, a commission picture which you have the right to use them in the game, correct?


When there will be a public release of Witch Hunter 0.2 (rus \ eng) and Witch Hunter 0.2.1 (rus \ eng)?


<a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/19039978">https://www.patreon.com/posts/19039978</a>