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Write what you like best, and why, I will be grateful, maybe what parts you like more like in one in some other.  

Personally, my opinion in the first one I do not like the face, quite, many wrote to me that it turned out very much like a cartoon but I do not think so, but the clothes and pose in the first suit me. 2 version I did not  like it at all and I decided, to draw a third, which in my opinion is most similar to the version of the cartoon, especially tried to make a similar face




I like both the "Old" and the "Now" versions, they're both pretty good. I want to vote for both, but it won't let me.... ;-; So, I'll vote for the Old version. But the "Now" version for Will's fairy form is definitely better than the remastered one.


третья самая лучшая, я понятия не имею почему голосуют за первую


Полностью согласен с теми кто проголосовал за третий вариант. Пропорции идеальные.

Boris van den Berg

I like the now (new) version a lot better because of her facial expression and the design of her body. The old version doesn't look like will's face in my opinion, (maybe it's because we never saw her smiling) Somka, you did a really good job with it the new face, much closer to the cartoon, i like that. I voted for the new version.


I like the old's body and face design but the remastered coloring and breast size.


Well i prefer the first one because of the face XD, but the last one is overall better and is very close to the cartoon. The second one has a lot of detail in it. I love the fact that you made the second one look like she is not wearing a bra, technically it should be lore friendly but that is debatable.


Prefer old, but with the remastered breast size

Boris van den Berg

Will it not be a good idea to only allow patreon to vote? Because we are the ones who support the project and they are not in a way. Because otherwise ohters can just vote and maybe manipulate the results we patreons actually whant in the first place. Or am I going a little bit to far with this idea now? (I don't want to offend anyone of course)


Old face is very detailed and cute, but the remastered & now´s body and color is a little better


It's true the new version actually looks a lot more like Will, but so does the old version, just not when she smiles though. It looks more appealing to me though.


Yes you are right perhaps, the next vote will only do for the patreons, but some posts will still be in the public domain


Новый вариант намного больше похож на мультфильм. Более плавный переход цветов в волосах, да и сама прическа стала более аккуратно. Черты лица стали более... человечными, что ли, чувствуется что за этим взглядом стоит (насколько это вообще возможно в эротической новелле, лол) живой человек с задатками лидера. Смотрит так серьезно, мол, ага мы тут мир спасаем а ты рукоблудишь. Одежда избавилась от слишком обтягивающего вида. Возможно это можно будет использовать позже как нарративный элемент, чем больше Седрик корраптит чародеек, тем более сексуализироваными они становятся, но в самом начале они просто девочки с волшебными силами, а не косплеерши-проститутки. В целом стиль рисовки заметно улучшился, я рад что патреон позволил такому талантливому человеку полностью сосредоточиться на творчестве. В целом мне нравится последний вариант, но последнее слово как всегда за автором. Удачи.


возможно это можно будет использовать позже как нарративный элемент, чем больше Седрик корраптит чародеек, тем более сексуализироваными они становятся(с)


i like the old one cause her head size is a little big but it add positively to the style while the new one's heads look a little small


i also like that the old colors are more faded, the new colors look a little too viberant


also her face looks softer in the old one and thus is more pleasant to look at


Perhaps the new body & colors with the old hair? In any case, the most important thing is to keep consistent with tones and colors among the charachters :D


Лицо 3, костюм 1, и более откровенный наряд бы))


Первый больше нравится,сорри друже


old looks superior in every way, i hope it isn't a bother to draw like that.


271 голос-126 патронов,хаха


Now is just perfect,remast looks like her when she's become corrupt,old is a no-no.Now is the better option.Also you put 1 human form& 2 witch form so it's a bit weird to decide.I say stick with NOW for witch and perhaps some edits for human,since we'll probably have scenes for both forms.Perfect red hair and not that much of a small head 2 me.


Что там по обновке? Там можно уже кого-нибудь вы***ть? xD


Если не сложно, подскажи в какой программе рисуешь?


I like the version you have now more than the older and remastered version. My favorite part about the current version is that there seems to be better detail put into her face while the original seems a little off (I think it's the eyes and nose). I also think her proportions are better since her head is smaller than the original's (which I personally thought was too big) and her figure looks nice as well (although I can't really compare it to the older version since her sweater is covering it up). The remastered version makes her look too old and also a bit too slutty for her character. The version you have now keeps her youthful charm and makes her seem more like the character you would see in the show. I do like the detail you put into the hair of the older and remastered picture though. I know you tried to make your newest version look like the Will from the show and she did not have those lines in her hair but it may look nice with some added detail (who knows ¯ \_(ツ)_/¯ ). Overall I like the newest version the most but I think the style of all the characters should be similar since a character that's drawn in a different style than all the rest would look weird in the game. Is there any way you could put her in a side by side comparison with another character in game like you did with Cornelia so we could see how well it would fit in game?


I changed my vote to the new one because it actually does look better and looks more like the real Will, artstyle and all. I liked the old better because it seemed more appealing and I believe it was maybe more of your own artstyle trying to merge with the series's artstyle?


any date when you release it ? :)


You can always use the three of them; old could just making some retouch on the part like the head and face, New as Will in her guardian form, and Rem as the corrupted guardian. I wonder if the game will have an option for hymen break, like soft core kind of.


I really couldn't care. They all look great. Why not continue weith the old style or go with the style you prefer Somka?


Old she has nicer curves and better face.. also are saves transferable? or does every update need a fresh start?

ExxxPlay Games 18+

NOW ! In everything there must be a progress :)


Добрый вечер! А у меня тут вопросик нарисовался: как вообще Корнелию то победить? И у меня у Элион ничего вообще не работает, это такой глюк или что то я не так сделал?


с элион баг, корнелию по сюжету не требуется победить и у тебя не получится, так изначально задумано


Оригинал более чем полностью устраивает. Все что нужно, сдвинуть нос чуть правее. Если выбирать между 2 и 3, то у второго не нравится лицо (злое). Еще руки лишние. Но в целом углубление в пах и соски нравятся, правда сосок слева стоит сделать внутри груди, а не где то слева, все таки в таком положении они смотрят прямо.