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I've said it before, and I'll say it again: yay, more Cornelia <3!


Is this remastered version the one with the Original lines with the remastered version's colors? Or is it just the remastered version? Because I like this remastered version better.


I vote for the Remastered (color version). I like the new color and shadow you gave her this Remastered version. Its only three point i want to point out. 1, the hair is little to shot, it should reach a little past the end of her shirt. 2, can you make so that her hair end like in you picture of her in her guardian form. 3, you made her lower back a little to big (betwen her breast and her arm).

Boris van den Berg

I've said it before, and I'll say it again! I stil like the original, because it looks more like the cartoon, in my opinion. If every character wil gets this change, i might not support this game anymore.


I like the original better, less shiny, more like the cartoon. But the remaster is still good, just not AS good for me.


I don't think her hair is that long in the show... It's just her stance that makes it seem shorter or longer.


Well, unfortunately I can not please everyone. I reviewed a bunch of screenshots with Cornelia and in my opinion the second version is much closer to the cartoon, the colors I took based on the screenshots of the cartoon while in the first version I realized to make the colors paler.


On the left is the old line and old painting, on the right is a new line and a new сolor


Liking the remastered version here. If you ask me this is a pretty good mix of old and new here. I spent a while examining both of the two pictures thoroughly before I decided on the new one but a part of me is still leaning toward the original. Even typing this comment I'm still looking at both pictures and thinking which one is better. Really I was hoping if you could do two more pictures with one being drawn with the original line with remastered colors and one with remastered lines but original colors but I think I would be asking for too much there. Either way good drawings and coloring by you man. :)


The remaster has slightly broader shoulders and significantly smaller hips, contributing to a more masculine appearance. The wrinkle in the skirt is unnatural in the remaster as well. The main improvements of the remaster are the breasts and the eyes. For everything else—including the line width and color (especially of the hair)—I prefer the original.


You can use the original as a version of Bra-less Cornelia


Цвета олдовые лучше, они теплые. В первом варианте у одежды больше нравится низ, во втором больше нравится верх. Но цвет волос из второго варианта можно приделать и на первый. Ну... и вообще возможно это от мониторов зависит, так что я бы не изменял цвета вообще, все равно везде будет по разному.