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Well, I did not like the original version of the sprite, I decided to remake. What do you think? which is better?




They both look good. But idk which is the remake and which is the original. [Edit] Nvm. Just checked. I noticed that you use too dark of a shading in the original for some parts which was made better in your remake. I prefer the original one better, but with a few different tweaks taken from the remake. Such as some of the shading and remaking the eyes to be a bit more like the one in the remake and such. Overall, I think the original has more details than the remake and that the remake has a bit of a better shading. Particularly the face area. The remake looks more like she's questioning something kind of sprite, compared to the original which seems more like the main type of sprite for her appearance. Look at the eyebrows on the remake along with her eyes and you can see she's kind of making a "questioning" face. I can definitely see why that you think the remake looks better, though.


I prefer the version on the left. The hard shadows resemble the show really closely.


Left = Original | Right = Remake | Then we are of an even mind then, my friend!


By details, I mean more solid details like the straps and the zipper to her hoodie. The remake has more shading details though. If you give it a third try, you may possibly make 1 even better than the original and remake.


Sorry man, I'm too dumb to see any difference,But she still hot for me...


The one on the left is more defined.


Well, here quite a few changes, in particular, reduced the size of the head, changed the pupils, changed the breast.


The right one. Do the hoddy have a zippe?, if it do then you miss the to do the zipper all the way to the botten of the hoddy plus the slider, the one you pull.


Honestly, they both seem pretty awesome. Is the one on the right the remake?