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Almost a week has passed since the release of the demo version of the witch hunter. And I heard a lot of negative reviews, they all boil down to the fact that in the game Boring plot, Badly written dialogues, uninteresting gameplay. There were a lot of suggestions how to improve the game, and so I decided to vote for what to do with the game in the future, in what direction are moving. Below I will write scenarios for changing the plot. While poll, I will draw backgrounds for Blank's cave, Elyon's House, Inside the house of Elyon and etc.

1. We imperceptibly bring the girl to a breakdown, in which she maliciously mutilates her boyfriend (her magic power) and he falls into a hospital in grave condition. And then you are given a huge space for any action. Look. There is a sense of guilt for the damage done, and the desire to learn how to control / control one's strength where you become a teacher, and the same money for treating a guy seems to be a much more noble motive.(c)Anonymous

2. Don't to rework the entire existing plot.  Give a choice. When say the boyfriend shows up, you could have several options, there is the in place sleeping potion, but maybe there could be another option. Perhaps we could instead make a sort of 'power' potion. One that causes Elyon, upon drinking it to have a uncontrollable surge of magic power, when she experiences strong emotions.  From there it would be easy to conjure up 'evidence' of her boyfriend cheating on her, which would have her go confront him and due to her being hurt by him supposedly 'lying' to her, her emotions flare up and...Well the potion kicks in and the rest you wrote and then she comes back to the shop and the teacher angle is unlocked as perhaps Cedric could tell her that he can teach her to control her magic, and help pay for her boyfriends hospital bills though she must follow his 'Every' command. This would make her willing to do much more for Cedric to help her boyfriend and would make it so Cedric can make sure she does not grow too powerful.  (c) nacia belk 

3. Leave the story as it is, but make sure that corruption Elyon did not happen so quickly. Add to each action for several options.

4. Let it be as it is. Add more content. Just fix bugs, add music, etc.

5. Your version. (Write in the comments)



Hey Somka, I was very pleasantly surprised by the game, considering its a 0.1 Alpha. Sure, it needs more content and there are some bugs (and the dialogues need a fix :D but that is very common for most games) but overall I think you are better off by adding content gradually and making sure it works well, rather than doing something very complicated that requires a lot of testing and fixing. You have a good foundation, add a block at the time, (for example a girl, an action etc.) and expand gradually, a lot of projects collapsed because the author tried to do everything at once.


I gave this a try - I thought the art was very nice and for a beginning alpha it's all too easy to have 'too little' content' in that the story is very linear and we don't have as yet much interaction elsewher on the map.


You could try adding in a secondary character or two, for example a Chinese daughter to the restaurant owner which would allow you to link up the school, the restaurant and the book shop. Think of little loops like that; perhaps giving the demon shopkeeper some background and a visit from the Dark Lord telling him to keep an eye on the Book-keeper only for him to get distracted by the girls or messing up ingredients for spells


i felt a little bit lost in the game. Maybe u should add some fake sisters. The first sister should be a tutorial. u learn to corrupt her and after u bring her to your master, she will be revealed as a fake sister (yes, that's the Story of Super Mario) Every Sister will be harder to corrupt and have stronger boyfriends. u need better items, new places, different tactics and so on.


Hay lin, you means add in hay lin but at her family's shop.


This game is just beginning so giving you some time to build it up should be expected by the fans. I vote for taking the time to simply add more content and more places to visit before thinking about changing things. The initial idea may be simple (corrupt Elyon), but that doesn't mean the story won't evolve once that objective is completed and the other girls show up to play with.


Art looks great, we need more of it (even small things like new comics page in the store, any good excuse to draw more H-scenes). Plot looks too similar to Akabur games, some sentences were the same as in his games, with just one word or 2 changed. Anyway you're not the only one so I don't really care and I like AK's games. About the plot I don't know the original story so for me it's good as it is, just needs more girls to interact with. Maybe onece you fully trained Elyon and you bring her to your boss, he realizes that the benefit is temporary and so you must hunt other girls for him.


I think you have a very solid story platform, just some minor tweaks to make character reactions and interactions a little more believable. The art is really good, and it will attract a lot of people. If you can match that quality in story and gameplay you'll probably keep a lot of them too. Based on your options I think you can tell the way Elyon's boyfriend breaks up with her is not quite believable. I think option 2 goes in the right direction. Cedric is the one to teach her how to control her powers (for evil! mwahaha!). I think the most important thing is to make sure you think it's good. If you're not happy with it, it's unlikely that others will be.


Go watch the series so you can understand everything about the story and such. It's called W.I.T.C.H.


Agreed. But, Elyon's boyfriend broke up with her initially because her friends (the Guardians) thought he was also a monster hidden in human form and thus made him too uncomfortable, at least in the original story anyway.


i think you have a good start , i am really sure that most of people that are complaining (which is not everybody) is because the lack of content, and that is obviusly because you just started the game, art is good and the sistem aims to work fine, to be honest is too soon to start complaining about anything, just keep the good work, of course eventually it will get better , some people just cant wait.


You have a great start to the game but there are a few things you can do to make this better. One of them is to slow down Elyon's corruption. To be in more detail, slow the progress with Elyon corruption and make the player work for it more. It felt rushed that she could do what she did at the end. If I could get any advice or ideas, why don’t you corrupt the other W.I.T.C.H members. Whenever the player gets to a certain point with Elyon’s corruption, one of the members will try to stop you. The player then has to corrupt that W.I.T.C.H member through different means.


Maybe a rape scene,with elyon,So she get pregg of blonde guy ,maybe some lactating,or her frinds make some lesbic fun with her,or just huge insertions and make the blonde guy tear her cherry off with lots of pain...


and in a park wile she is sleep,add an option to tear her cherry....


That would be against what Phobos told you to do. It could result in you dying either way.


Сомка, что будет в версии 0.2?


Вкратце, закончим наконец то ветку с Элион, и приступим к Чародейкам, пост о более подробных нововведениях и изменениях напишу через недельку


The art style and the character designs were beautiful and on point. The story was a little too straightforward. And the corruption method was too easy and not challenging at all, all you need is money. Maybe the corruption should each have their own route and challenges that harden with each progress, making the rewards and the scene more desiring. And having the ability to corrupt the W.I.T.C.H member could also extend the game play with their own corruption routes depending on their powers and personalities. And not to mention you have the ability to enter Meridian at free will. Maybe you can corrupt the W.I.T.C.Hs there as well with more imaginative challenges. And Rick doesn't need to be stuck in the shop all the time. Since you can go to Meridian anytime, maybe you can add quests, character to further help with corruption or story, or stores that sell items or potions which you can't get from blunk. And since Meridian can't accept dollars as currency, maybe Rick can do quests for Phobos or Miranda in exchange for currency (i.e gems or coins) or special items. The possibilities are endless. I wish you the best of lucks and hope this helps giving you some inspirations


I planned to add a whole map of the meridian, it will be possible to carry out various actions, in addition, the meridian will have its own currency, there will be fighting scenes with the rebels, for some reward.


One possible idea you could implement in addition to 3 is to add a 'love' route and a 'slave' route independently for Elyon and each of the girl. Granted, it would mean a lot more work, but I think it would make the game a lot more interesting to have a choice as to how to influence each girl.


I've already thought about it, maybe I will. Just it really takes a long time.


I voted for option 1 but I think option 2 has some merits. I would opt for a potion that cause a power surge from her that is triggered by sexual emotions. So the next time Elyon and Bryan have a sexual encounter she hospitalizes him. This would give a straight forward explanation why her magical training has a sexual component. A lust potion might also be called for to justify why she doesn't just give up on sex and relationships. Besides being a plot device these potions can also be a corruption device, helping Cedric convince her into accept greater sex acts.


I love the idea of her going crazy and mutilating her boyfriend and then Cedric to come in and be a mentor for her, and in doing so, corrupting her and turning her evil.


I agree with most of what other people are saying where the corruption should be slowed down so it feels more rewarding when you actually do get her to do a sexual act. I also like the idea of Cedric becoming her teacher because this will make her corruption seem more believable since she is obeying someone who she sees as an authority figure that she (somewhat) trusts; rather than having the protagonist just be her boss who gets her to do lewd acts just because he keeps giving her gifts and money. I also think instead of just buying gifts to fill the confidence bar it should be replaced with scenes in which you spend the day training her to control her magic (as well as grooming her to follow your orders). I believe this will make the overall corruption process feel more organic and the unlocking of H-scenes feel more satisfying since it had to be earned by actually corrupting her rather than merely bribing her. Overall, I feel the dialogue and gameplay could be made more lively but other than that I really like the concept of this game and think the overall story and art are fantastic. I am excited to see a series like W.I.T.C.H. get its own trainer game (thought I'd never see the day) and would like to see where this series is going so you can count on my continued support.