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Trial by Fire.

And thus ends the Kommission, NWD next.



Ooooh, interesting. I wonder who that was at the end of there. Love the chapter, I'm always a sucker for out of context people training those in contacts how to fight or train or grow. So the story has been going right on my alley. No, I am super hype to hear that NWD is finally getting an update.

The GrandMage

. . . Ooo, some sort of Hollow Lunar Exalted to yearn after Lee?

Steven Stiring

I will admit as I never really got into either franchise I am looking forward to NWD more than this but it was still a fun read.


Edits stilldidn’t -> still didn't than, when Rukia -> than Rukia, when she gave her all her -> gave him all her glow white, slice -> glow white as it sliced And watched, -> He watched,

Joseph Fera

So this lee is getting his own hollow waifu like ichigo and nel... can't wait


Nothing weird happening here, keep moving on.


Iiiiiinteresting. Perhaps Lee's presence in the Bleach World is affecting more than he thinks?


I kinda forgot what was NWD.