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Thanks for the chapter!


"All Might, meanwhile, was not idle, moving around while The Wielders of All-for-One kept AfO’s attention, coming up from the side, the mas" Should be The Wielders of One-for-ALl

PublicLee Speaking

Fixed, also found a couple times I misspelled Wielder as Weilder. Really, while the name symmetry is nice, it's far to easy to mix up AfO & OfA.

El Lando

There were quite a few times that one for all was called all for One, but other than that, holy shit. I want the next chapter more than I did this one! The month wait is gonna suck but it'll be worth it.

David Lukacsovich

“You’re strong, I’ll give you that, and crazy enough to go beyond the pale, but you’re weak at heart, Shigaraki!" - Shigaraki should be All for One Glancing between them, the Symbol of Evil sneered. “Then we’re doing this the hard way then?” - Is it deliberate that this isn't bolded here? On one hand, you bold his speech everywhere else, but they just got done turning off his mental manipulation speech via talk-fu, so debolding it makes sense here... Extending an arm, All Might Bumped the fist of the bit of himself that now lived in Kaminari, and as death came for them both, they took matching stances, moving as one as they CHARGED! - Rather than a MHA theme, a Naruto theme might be appropriate here, as a reference to the time Kurama fist-bumped itself through Naruto/undead-Minato (and yes, this is a Shippuden reference) As he gave his retirement speech. - On the bright side, compared to canon where All Might is gone, here, he can come back out (very briefly) if shit truly hits the plan. So people should be more hesitant to go with the pants-on-head crazy that is later canon. Hopefully

PublicLee Speaking

1. All for one's name is actually named Shigaraki. It's his family name. That's why the 'Shigaraki' we know is Tomura Shigaraki. All-for-One gave Nana's grandson his own last name as a mark of 'ownership'. 2. Fixed. 3. I'm keeping to MHA themes for MHA characters unless there's a really good reason. (That said, yes, that was a Naruto reference.) 4. Yes, though, with AfO's organization up and active, instead of dormant and waiting for Tomura to take the reigns, that strength is going to be needed.


Well, that was certainly a lot of colours… I enjoyed the chapter but have to say the yellow for All Might didn’t translate well into a white background.


You also misspelled quiet with quite, at least I think you did as being low in volume fit better in the part. Just look up quite and see if the word was used as you wanted. There were a few other minor mistakes, but they didn’t impact the meaning of the story.


I imagine they would have a bit more infighting also as to who gets to be afo will so to speak and tomura still being a whinny incel and not the kind of guy you would follow as big bad. I mean the bad guys would still need their training arc but probably go nowhere near as well cause the liberation with re destro should have been a bigger threat for the king of evil title ya know. That and the yakuza pretty much had shiggys group bitch made themselves.

Guilherme Bezerra

All in all it was certainly a very well done finalle to the confrontation. The original conflict remains one of canon's highlights and you certainly managed to both pay homage to it and also inject your own take on it. Very nicely done. On the other hand a lot more grammar errors than usual, so going through a refining process with spell check seems to be in the cards. Aside from that I do wonder how much of the fight was shown this time around because there were a lot of secrets thrown around. Did those get shown too ? I assume we are going to get some form of interlude or even a timeskip ? Would make sense since the MC is probably disabled in the short term. Worthy though to utterly thrash AfO like that.


He likely never be - would never or never would Frosted hand - shouldn't be capitalized


Dang that was Shonen as fuck, great job doing that confrontation justice.

daniel koval

Interesting to see things from All Mights viewpoint, well done there. On the other hand the just jawdropping levels of naïveté that are in his head are actually painful to read. I fully understand this is all in charecter, and great job capturing who Toshirino is, but the pure inability to grasp that he has a responsibility to everyone else to deal with evil permanently is just amazing, and not in a good way. The fact that he WON’T grasp the fact the one of his students is being killed/depowered by a quirk to save his life after he jumps into what should be a fight to the death and he won’t even try and use lethal strikes is painful. Not to even get into the fact that his thoughts read as a weird combination of jock and niave child that has never had to face reality or see consequences due to his power and the way that others insulate him from what he has caused. It’s very in character but there needs to be a serious come to Jesus moment for him that he has never gotten, that his students are dieing, disfigured, and probably burned out their souls to defeat an existential enemy that he doesn’t have the spine or balls to put down.


Thanks for the chapter! Disappointed but not surprised that All Might let AFO live though AM is just too damn idealistic sometimes


I… ok first things first, that fight was awesome. Your buffing of AFO was very much needed, it brought up his threat level drastically and gave him the sheer narrative weight to be a satisfactory villain. And, personally, that is the most important factor for villains, on par with competence though I don’t think they’re necessarily exclusionary. It truly felt like a desperate, back to the wall fight throughout and the crescendo of The Wielders assuming control was perfect. Now, regarding the elephant in the room, I. Fucking. Hate. All. Might. Types. Sure, I agree that with petty criminals, those that can be rehabilitated and even violent Villains below a certain danger threshold there’s absolutely no need to turn to summary execution. But AFO exceeds that threshold by every conceivable metric even when holding back massively and worse, has shown time and time again to be a true cockroach when it comes to survival abilities. And while this decision is perfectly inline with AM’s character, it’s such a profoundly idiotic decision that it causes me physical pain. Especially so when there will be no one left with the ability to deal with AFO if he does get away (which of course he will). That he valued his image of not killing this much is inexcusable in my opinion (yes I know it wasn’t as self-centered as that phrasing sounds but I can’t quite figure out how to phrase more accurately, it’s late lmao). I sincerely hope that everyone around AM calls him out on this decision, and Denki does so especially brutally. If I was in his (your? Not quite sure how the pronouns work in this) place, I would be livid beyond description if I lost an arm, half a leg and risked my soul to give an ally the chance to defeat an enemy once and for all and they SPARED the bastard. At the very least he could have dismembered AFO to reduce his ability to escape and recover. While some might argue that might have ruined his image even more than killing AFO, then that just means that killing AFO is so obviously the correct and moral choice that any alternative actions that let him live are orders of magnitude less desirable by every metric. If I was in a position of power in that society, I would have drafted a law requiring AM to pay a specialized Stupid Tax aimed purely at him, I wouldn’t even care that it would damn my career instantly.