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Yeah, I blend.

Working on Stargate Waifu-verse next!



There is no justification for it, but I choose to believe that non-dairy Queen is the local Stacy.

Steven Stiring

So Argo pulls a Tattletale, that will make things interesting.

Tyric Gaias

Part of me hopes he realizes he's in the abridged version of SAO. Another part thinks it hilarious if he doesn't.


Typo: And while the dystem - system

Gamestructo Utopiaman

I just get a feeling that he don't "got this" tbh, yaknow?


That was a lot more interesting than I expected. The whole eldritch angle makes it even more interesting to read than most of the other MG stories.

The GrandMage

I kind of want to see what Argo's next hypothesis is. I'm leaning towards her wrongly thinking he's a brain in a jar hooked into the server hardware and is subconsciously changing the code.


just started thinking of the jumanji scene where they realize the one character been stuck in the game for years.


My bet is on her thinking he a ghost of a dead Alpha tester/programmer who now resides inside the machine and has never realized the passage of time. For he was the very first person trapped in this realm!